Magic Moments with Red-necked Grebes and a Great Gray Owl

Well I went for a hike in the interior yesterday and came across some incredible things. As I was traipsing through the woods I ran into a sleeping beauty, a Great Gray Owl. His eyes look black here because he is just squinting to see who I am. I left him so he could resume his slumber. I have had some great moments with Boreal Birds recently. You can see my previous post on the ones I've seen, including a Northern Hawk-Owl HERE.

I also wanted to share a moving moment I had with a family of Red-necked Grebes. I saw 2 chicks but there could have been one more under the adult's wings. One little baby was poking his head out of mom or dad's back. I love watching Grebes, Loons and Swans with the young riding around on the adults' back, it's so special. One of the adults was out collecting food for the family. I am always amazed to see how good parents most birds are. I feel the same way when I watch this with loons. If you want to see my loon photos with chicks on the back and on the nest, please click HERE.

Anyways, this was the first time I had ever got so close to a Red-necked Grebe on a nest and I felt truly privileged to be in their presence.

Red-necked Grebe with baby on back and one under the wings - Photo: Melissa Hafting

Great Gray Owl waking from slumber - Photo: Melissa Hafting


  1. Wow, that is amazing, and great shots!

    1. Thanks Marnix! See you tomorrow on the young birder trip! Let's hope we get that chicken!

  2. nice shot mel especially of the grebe and young


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