Great new bird books and how to help the birds of Kauai!
With climate change the birds of Hawaii are doing worse than ever and the island hardest hit is Kauai. Please donate what you can to help the endangered birds of Hawaii fight back against Avian Malaria through the campaign by Kauai Forest Bird Recovery Project Hawaii HERE . 1. Also, here is an amazing Hawaiian Birds reference, in the form of a website, that my friend Dennis Paulson said should be made into a book (and he's so right): "The Birds of The Hawaiian Islands" by Robert and Peter Pyle. It's so nice however that it is available to all online for free HERE 2. There are very few non-White birders out there and few prominent women birders but things are slowly changing in this Caucasian male dominant field as it is getting integrated with many different races, ages and women and all genders. Here is a new book called "Broken Wing" by David Budbill, which is a NY times bestseller dealing with the issues that a male (minority) black birder