Christmas Eve....1 Year since I lost my mom

Mom, my sister Meghan and I on Vancouver Island. I will always remember her laughing this way. I can't believe we are here already... On Christmas Eve it will be a year since my beloved mother Valerie died from breast cancer. I recently did a " Writing for Grief " course through the Lumara Society . It has helped me process my grief in a cathartic way. In that course a man shared this quote by Washington Irving " T here is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness but of power. They are messengers of overwhelming grief and unspeakable love . ” Christmas used to be such a special time for my family and I. My mom made Christmas so very special. I still don't remember how we made it through Christmas Day 2021. The day after she died the last thing we wanted to do was celebrate… frankly it was hell. I remember Ilya forcing me to get out of bed and get some air. Somehow he held me up and got me to the Richmond Nature Park and we sat together watching...