An incredible encounter with Hooded Mergansers

It was nice to get out and do some birding today in the fall sunshine. I went out today with the intention of a photography day. I ended up finding 12 Hooded Mergansers and 5 males were out displaying. It seemed early to be displaying since it is not the breeding season. However, I know ducks seem to be constantly amorous. Usually Hoodies are very skittish but these guys were so in the groove they didn't notice my presence. I lay down on the bank and watched the show. The fall leaves lit up the water making it a golden colored pond. They really are handsome drakes! I've never got a decent photo of the male of this species so I was quite thrilled. Hooded Mergansers displaying in Vancouver - Photos: Melissa Hafting I realized after I left that I should have taken some video. I love the funny sounds they make as they cock back their heads. If you have never seen this display you can watch a video of it below: I al...