Young Birder Trip to Princeton - July 14/18

Young Birders in Princeton, BC - July 14, 2018 - Photo: Melissa Hafting We started out our young birder tour with 5 young birders and it was the first trip with 15 year old Sasha Fairbairn. We started out at the Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve in Chilliwack to see the long staying Black Phoebe. It was a lifer and BC bird for a few of the youth . Here we also were greeted by the sweet songs of Yellow Warblers, Black-headed Grosbeaks and Red-eyed Vireos. It was also fun to watch the Eastern Kingbirds fluttering around and a lone Vaux's Swift. Black Phoebe in Chilliwack - Photo: Bridget Spencer Next we were on our way to Princeton. We were hoping to see Williamson's Sapsuckers at August Lake as our main target. As we drove on the dirt road to the lake Katya Kondratyuk and Daniel Beeke called out "Lewis's Woodpecker!". It was sitting on a stump right beside our van. We pulled over and hopped out and got beautiful views of it as it flew from tree to tree q...