Horned and Tufted Puffins near to Vancouver (Tix Available) and an accommodating Red-necked Stint! Also news on WA pelagics.

If you booked a trip with San Juan Cruises to Smith Island out of Bellingham, WA on July 21st you should be in for a good time. My friend Bill Tweit told me that the WDFW reported on July 9th that they had 14 Tufted Puffins and 1 Horned Puffin! The Horned Puffin has been seen twice in a week which is absolutely incredible as it is a real rarity in the area.

The July 21st trip is now sold out but there is an August 4th trip running and you can buy tickets and read more info about the upcoming trip HERE.

I took this trip with friends last year on July 30, 2016 and absolutely loved it. We saw over 20 puffins in breeding plumage right up close, Ancient and Marbled Murrelets and a Long-tailed Jaeger. You never know just what you will find out there!

To read more about my incredible experience and see my photos please click HERE.

Also my friend Ryan Merrill along with Adrian Lee found a Red-necked Stint at Crockett Lake on July 8th at Whidbey Island in WA. The bird is still showing well and allowing for close views with binoculars and great photos which is unlike how we normally see them, including the recent one here at Boundary Bay.  Many people from Vancouver have been going down to see it.

It is about 2.5 hours from Vancouver and the area where the bird is being seen as of July 11th is at the SE edge of the lake and the spot is marked on this map.

Red-necked Stint at Crockett Lake, WA - Photos: Brian Stech

*A few great pelagics are being offered out of Neah Bay, WA on the MV Windsong on August 5th and Sept 9th. Last year they had 2 Brown Boobies on their trip to Swiftsure Bank. The tickets cost 160$ US and you can register for them by contacting Denny Van Horn at dennyvanhorn(at)gmail(dot)com

As always, the exceptionally well run pelagics on the Monte Carlo out of Westport continue as normal for $145-150 US and you can see their schedule and how to sign up HERE.


  1. Thanks for the very informative blog. Certainly considering one of these Pelagic tours for next year. Would be heading out in that area over the weekend and keeping my fingers crossed that the red-necked stint still around. :)

    1. Thanks for the kind words Mario and good luck with the stint it's still present as of July 13th! I look forward to your photos!


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