
Showing posts from 2024

Listen to my interview on the American Birding Podcast!

I was honoured to be on the American Birding Association's " American Birding Podcast , " for the second time today, discussing my book " Dare to Bird " with host Nate Swick. You can listen to the interview in full HERE   or below: By the way you can read all about the checklist changes put out today by the ABA. Some birders may be sad to know they have lost the Hoary Redpoll which has been lumped with Common Redpoll and the new species is simply called Redpoll. Read all the changes HERE

Young Birders Trip to Pitt Lake

Check out the most recent trip report of the Young Birders trip to Pitt Lake. You can read the great time they had at the BC Young Birders Website HERE Beautiful Grant Narrows, where the youth had their field trip, in Pitt Meadows - Photo: Raymond Liu

Listen to my interview on the Life List Podcast with Alvaro Jamarillo and Mollee Brown

I was honoured to do an interview with my friends Alvaro Jaramillo and Mollee Brown on their podcast called “ Life List - A Birding Podcast.” Alvaro used to live in Vancouver and Mollee is a female bird guide and avid birder like myself and we discuss birding from a female perspective as well. We talk about my book and the young birders and everything in between. I was really touched by the words Alvaro in particular said about me.  You can listen to the one hour episode called  “ Intersections of science, art, and passion in birding” HERE   or any other podcast platform. Thanks again to Mollee and Alvaro for having me on.

Seeing my book for the first time in Canada’s biggest bookstore

Today I saw my book in Canada’s biggest bookstore for the first time! Young birder program graduate Josh Brown sent me a photo of himself with my book at Chapters so I decided to finally check it out for myself. I was delaying visiting the bookstore because I knew it would be bittersweet. When I saw my book for the first time on the shelf, the feeling was incredibly special but also tinged with sadness. I walked into Indigo Bookstore on Robson Street in Vancouver today and saw my book on the shelf beside Kaufman and Sibley in the “Birds” section. It felt so surreal and was a real special moment. I wanted to pick up the phone and call my dad or better yet I wished that he was standing beside me. What a bittersweet moment. He so wanted to see this book and how proud he would have been to see my book on the shelf. Another day of carrying both joy and grief. I’m really proud of this accomplishment but also sad both my parents can’t be around for this but it is just another milestone they s

“Dare to Bird” makes the BC Best Seller List!

I was honoured to find out that my book Dare to Bird made the BC Best Seller List and in the top ten too! I’m blown away by all the support for this book and am so touched that so many people like the book and find it resonating with them! You can see the BC Best Seller List in full HERE   and in the Vancouver Sun HERE Indigo and Amazon both sold out of the book and Amazon became back ordered. In fact Indigo sold out twice but just restocked it again and are offering 10x the points for Canadian Books like mine if you buy the book from them online . The book is also available in most local bookstores (thanks to all of them for carrying it) and for free to loan at almost all local libraries. It was nice to see that there are many holds on the copies! The book is also available as an e-book which came out June 24th. Thanks to all the folks sending me pics of them with the book. Also thanks to the young birders who went to the bookstore Upstart and Crow on Granville Island to buy the boo

Young Birder Trip to Cypress

You can read the most recent Young Birder Trip to Cypress at the BC Young Birders website HERE The youth had a great time! Thanks to young birder program graduate Evan Larson for writing up the report and for his help leading the youth on this trip! Young Birders on Cypress Mountain in West Vancouver - Photo: Evan Larson

The Narwhal features my book through a Q & A interview !

Check out my Q & A interview feature in the Narwhal! You can read the story in full at the link HERE Thanks to Michelle Cyca for the in-depth interview.

Birds Canada reviews my book!

I was really touched by the beautiful words that Kate Dalgleish from Birds Canada wrote about my newly released book " Dare to Bird " calling it "A masterpiece of beauty and conservation." You can read the book review in full at the link HERE Photo: by Steve Owst

Outdoor Photography Magazine in the UK reviews my book and take a video sneak peek inside my book!

Today is publication day and my book is officially out! Check out this video my friend Max made of the book he bought in a local Quebec City bookstore. I  have to say it looks pretty sharp no? Also my friend in the UK sent me photos of a review of my book, along with a photo of a Veery that I took in Peachland, BC in Outdoor Photography Magazine ! I was truly honoured to see it there.

Check out my book review in BC Nature Magazine

Liron Gertsman submitted a review of my book to BC Nature Magazine. You can read the review of the book below in the 2024 summer edition. Thank you Liron for such kind words! I also received a beautiful editorial review from my friend Cameron Eckert, which I’ve attached below as well! Thanks Cam! The book is released worldwide on June 18, 2024.

My book is out tomorrow and is currently the #1 best seller on Amazon Canada in Nature and Wildlife Photography!

Was excited to see that my book which comes out tomorrow is the Number 1 best seller on Amazon in the Nature and Wildlife Photography category, the Ecosystems category and the Environmental Conservation category. The book will be available in Canada, US and Europe as of tomorrow in local bookstores and online. In Canada you can buy it online at Amazon and Indigo and all local bookstores and it will also be for loan in most local libraries. In the USA you can buy it from Barnes and Nobles and local bookstores and it will also be in most local libraries. In Europe you can buy it in places like Amazon Germany , Amazon UK and local bookstores like this one in Norway . In Asia Amazon Japan is carrying it. Thanks to everyone for the support! In the next few months I will be sharing more Book Reviews from other publications such as the ABA, Birds Canada, The Narwhal, Wild Bird Trust and more. I will also be a guest on several podcasts I will share including “The Life List Podcast” Also

Check out my interview in The Vancouver Sun and Province Newspaper

I was featured in The Vancouver Sun and Province newspapers both in print tomorrow for the Vancouver Sun and in the Province on Sunday and the article is now up online. You can read the full interview which discusses my book and my love of birding at the link HERE

Listen to my interview on CBC’s Now or Never Podcast

I’m on CBC Radio One’s “ Now or Never Podcast ” it aired today live on June 6 at 2 pm the episode is call ed “ Shhhhh! Secret spots across Canada that make life more fun ” You can listen to the full interview where I discuss birding, the importance of diversity and inclusion and my work with young birders at this link HERE . My section comes on at 17mins, 30 seconds and you can scroll to it.

Young Birder Hike to Bowen Lookout to see Canada Jays, Sooty Grouse, Dippers and Pygmy-Owls! 9 am on June 22nd! (FULL)

*THIS EVENT IS NOW FULL* Hi Young Birders the next Young Birder Trip is posted on the new website. It will be June 22! You can read all details HERE Make sure you email me at to let me know if you are coming as your parents must sign a waiver. You will not be permitted to come on the trip without this waiver. Make sure to subscribe to the new website by putting your email in the box at the bottom of the website to get updates! This is a FREE and BIPOC and LGBTQ+ inclusive event . Northern Pygmy-Owl in south-coastal BC - Photo: Melissa Hafting

I got the 1st printed copy of my book and I was humbled to get some more editorial reviews on my book from Ornithologist J. Drew Lanham and other birders!

I recently got the first printed copy of my book! I really did cry holding it physically in my hands for the first time. I am very proud of the book and so wish my father and mother lived to see it. My dad who knew of the book was so excited for it. It is bittersweet I couldn't share the first printed copy with him. I was incredibly nervous to see the book in print, since it was my first book, I didn't know what to expect. It was surreal I tell you. The book really came out great in my opinion and was worth all the hard work. I can't wait until it is available in stores this June 18th.  I may fall over when I walk into the bookstore and see it on the shelves.  I really hope everyone who buys (or loans from the library) and reads a copy, enjoys it too. I also hope it helps those who are grieving or depressed and shows how birds are worth saving and how much joy and healing they can bring into our lives and how they ultimately make our life better.  Close up photo of the phys

I am honoured to win the Alan Duncan Bird Conservation Award!

I was honoured to hear I won the 2024 Alan Duncan Bird Conservation Award  which was  awarded to me by  The Stanley Park Ecology Society and the Vancouver Bird Advisory Committee.The award celebrates the achievements of individuals, groups or organizations based on the following criteria that embody Alan’s work and values: Contributing to Bird Conservation Interdisciplinary in Nature Strong Community Connections The award comes with a 1500$ monetary prize as well.   I am incredibly moved that I won this award. I won the award in recognition for my work with Bird Conservation in BC, my work with Young Birders in the BC Young Birders program that I founded, and for my work to try and make birding more inclusive for BIPOC and LGBTQ+  birders and for my work in bringing the birding community together. The award will be h anded out May 10th, during the Greater Vancouver Bird Celebration which last from May 10-26. Alan Duncan was an amazing man and I got the pleasure to chat with him before

New BC Young Birders Program Website Is Now Live!

Many of the young birders in my program have been asking me to make a website for years. Since I started the program in 2014 I have been using my blog to post my trip reports and events but I really should have done this earlier. Young Birder Program graduate Alice Sun who now works for Audubon in NYC who is also a graphic designer stepped up and helped me to create the website. I took input from the interested young birders and showcase photos from our trips, all our past trip reports and I will post new events at the website. We also have a press section for the many times that young birders or the program was featured in the press. There is also a donation page to help out youth who can’t afford field trips. Thanks to all the youth who were eager to see this website come to fruition. Big special thanks to Alice Sun for helping create this website! You did a beautiful job . Also want to send my thanks also to Liron Gertsman, Josh Brown and Bridget Spencer for giving their helpful inp

*Update Event Is Now Sold Out!* Register to get FREE tickets to watch "The Young Birders" Film and 2 other films by Liron Gertman at Vancouver Bird Celebration on May 10th!

Taking Flight: Greater Vancouver Bird Celebration Opening Event On May 10th during the Greater Vancouver Bird Celebration 's opening night, at the Taking Flight Event; they will be screening the 2023 film "The Young Birders" featuring myself and some of the BC Young Birders in a documentary created by former young birder program graduate and talented photographer Liron Gertsman. They will also be screening 2 other films "The Commute" and "Ptarmigan Trek" produced by Liron Gertsman that night. Also Dr. Rob Butler (ornithologist) will be giving a talk on birds! You can register for free tickets and learn more at the link HERE The event runs from 5pm until 8pm on May 10th, 2024 at Vandusen Gardens. Hope to see many young birders coming out for this event! You can read about all the great events taking place during May 10-26 for the Vancouver Bird Celebration HERE


Today is the 10th anniversary of BC Book Day ! My book " Dare to Bird -  Exploring the Joy and Healing Power of Birds "  was featured at the Legislative Assembly of BC in Victoria today and photos were shared with me! My own personal first copy of my book is on its way to me and I can’t wait to see it! So far the cover looks good in these photos. The first printed copy of my book on display for BC Book Day at the BC Parliament in Victoria  My book on display at the Legislative Assembly of BC Below is a short video where you can see my book at the display: I wish my father had lived to see this day. He knew about my book and was so excited for me; my mother never did (hopefully she knows now and can see from above). So seeing my book in print is bittersweet indeed. I am sure I will cry when I actually see the book in the store for the first time and the first time I hold it in my hands. No one believed in me more than my dad or supported my birding more, so although this is a

BC Young Birders featured in new book!

It is so nice to see 4 young birders in my BC Young Birders program, featured in the new book “Get Outside! - How Humans Connect With Nature” by Leah Payne. Leah approached me after interviewing me for Alive Magazine to see if 4 young birders wanted to be featured in her new book about this important topic. Anica, Clay, Harry and Lukas were keen to be part of it! It is nice to see the youth featured in this book which is geared for youth that are 12-15 years old.  Here is a summary of the book:  “Get Outside! How Humans Connect with Nature  explores the important relationship between people and nature. It asks big questions, like Are humans part of nature or separate from it? and Do all people have equal access to nature? By discussing global issues such as the climate crisis and environmental racism, the book shows us that, by strengthening our relationship with the natural world, we can learn how to take care of the environment and to let the environment take care of us too.” The bo

Peter Pyle, Melissa Groo and other esteemed birders and publications review my book!

I was honoured that so many esteemed birders, authors, photographers and ornithologists have reviewed my book so far, from Peter Pyle to Melissa Groo and all the other amazing birders in between! I am truly touched! The words they all have written are so moving and it means so much to me that birders of their calibre liked it so much. “Like Melissa Hafting, I enjoy helping others via email. And throughout our more than seven years of such correspondence, Mel’s questions indicated a sharp and enthusiastic birder whose passion and curiosity transcended simple species identification to delve into molt status, age/sex, subspecies, and various wondrous behaviors. But email does not always fully  reveal  a person: what they stand for, what adversities they have faced. In  Dare to Bird , through exquisite and spectacular photographs and words of pleasing cadence, you really get to  know  Melissa: her sense of wonder, eye for beauty, and passion for sharing her love of birds with youth and tho