Young Birder Camping Trip To The Interior!

**Update: Sadly this event was cancelled since the BC Gov’t put in travel restrictions effective Aug 19th, banning non-essential travel to the Okanagan due to severe wildfires. Read HERE ** Hey Young Birders I’m hosting a 2 night camping trip in August near Osoyoos! If you want to join me please send me an email. The dates are Aug 19-21. Some targets will be birds like Veery, Lewis's Woodpecker, Bobolink, Lark Sparrow, Williamson’s Sapsucker, Black-backed and Three-toed Woodpecker, Flammulated Owl, Great Gray Owl, Western Screech Owl, Burrowing Owl, Rock and Canyon Wren, Chukar, Gray Partridge, Dusky and Spruce Grouse, Boreal Chickadee, Common Poorwills, Sage Thrasher, Grasshopper Sparrow and more! You can read a trip report from one of our really fun young birder overnight trips in the area HERE Email me for all the details at bcbirdergirl (at) gmail (dot) com . Looking forward to seeing the group who registered for the sold out overnight Tofino pelagic Puffin excursion on July 2...