The biggest threat to the Northern Spotted Owl is the gov't in charge of protecting it.

When will Canada do right by the Northern Spotted Owl? The provincial government of BC has failed the Northern Spotted Owl and frankly so has the federal gov't. This is why they are almost extirpated in the wild here. Just a few (apparently only 3 now in the Fraser Canyon) infertile females hold on in the wild. There is a Northern Spotted Owl breeding program that has not successfully released any Spotted Owls yet but when they do, the real question will be where will they go? The provincial Gov't is not discontinuing the logging of Old Growth Forests. The logging of old growth forests is the biggest threat to their survival. Not Barred Owls as they will have you believe. Isn't this statement an oxymoron? " The B.C. government, for instance, has approved clear-cut logging in areas it set aside for spotted owl recovery, while sinking almost $1.5 million into the experimental captive breeding program since 2014." The owls simply cannot survive in any other ...