Check Out My Audubon Magazine Feature

My photo of a Steller's Jay was featured in the article for Audubon's 2021 Spring Magazine Print Issue. They also talk about my Instagram account and why I started it. It is all thanks to the young birders. I have attached a scan of the article from the magazine which is mailed to subscribers. Alice Sun one of the graduates from the Young Birder Program was featured on an online-only article which talked about the same topic Birding and Social Media. You can read it HERE . Speaking about Social Media and Audubon, my friend Melissa Groo shared this article about ethical bird photography. You can read it HERE . She is a passionate and talented wildlife photographer and conservationist and as usual it is full of her great tips to ensure birds and owls stay safe while you get a great picture. Another cool article from the magazine is about the recent 2017 discovery of the Blue-throated Hillstar in Ecuador. It is well worth a read, plus a beautiful video about it is...