California Dreamin' !

Ilya and I went birding in San Diego. We signed up for our first ever Photo workshop. We didn't know what to expect but were pleasantly surprised. We did it with Tim Boyer, more info HERE for those interested. We birded on our own the other days and had a nice relaxing vacation. We ended up seeing 161 species in 9 days. Some of the highlights were: Reddish Egret, Painted Redstart, Black-throated sparrow, California Towhee, Pomaerine Jaegers, Black-throated Green warbler, Laughing Gull, Thick-billed Kingbird (ABA Code 4), Cassin's Kingbird, Lesser Goldfinch, White-collared Seedeater (non-countable), Red-Shouldered Hawk, Black Phoebe, Snowy Plover,Yellow-crowned night heron, Rufous-crowned sparrow, Allen's Hummingbird, Black-vented shearwater, Island Scrub-Jay, Brown Booby (Aba Code 3), Black Skimmer, Little Blue Heron,Nuttal's Woodpecker, Hermit Warbler, Green-tailed Towhee, Verdin, Wrentit, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, California Gnatcatcher, Californi...