Bird #264

Well today I got Bird 264# for my Metro Vancouver Year List. I was sitting at home on a very dreary and typical rainy winter Vancouver day when Joachim Bertrands texted me that he had a pure Western Gull in Delta. You must be wondering why on Dec 28th I still didn't have a Western Gull for my Metro Vancouver year list. Well that is because I'm extremely picky. If I see a sign of hybridism I won't count it and I didn't see a pure one until this day. I know there were pure ones around this year but I just didn't put in the effort to look and when I did, I never saw one. So I asked him to send me a screen shot because most gulls that people call Westerns here are hybrids. This is not a slight on anyone, it's just realism. Most birds up north here are hybrids "Olympic Gulls" (Glaucous-winged x Western) and some people count "mostly pure" birds but ones that still show signs of Hybridism. That is not ok for me personally. So what ...