Smith Island Tufted Puffins Trip!

We had a great time today on the Puffin Pelagic Trip out of Bellingham, WA. Twelve Canadians that I knew were on board and the boat was sold out with 39 people plus 3 crew. If you would like to book this trip in the future please click HERE The trip started off great from the beginning when Peter Candido (view his great blog HERE ) spotted an adult Green Heron fishing from the sea at the Alaska Ferry Terminal in Bellingham. We ended up seeing 20 Tufted Puffins in the water around the breeding colony at Smith Island. You can't go right up to the island since it is a protected marine reserve and the water is shallow around the island plus the birds burrows are at the top of the island where it is hard to see in. We ended up seeing some other unexpected birds including an adult Long-tailed Jaeger and Ancient Murrelet that Ilya Povalyaev spotted from the bow. Both of these birds are early for the area. We saw how close these birds are to Victoria and probably these are ...