Manning is a special place

Ilya said he wanted to take me to Manning Park because he knows it is one of my favourite places to bird in BC. I am actually going to lead a Young Birder's Trip there in a month. Anyways Ilya and I were pleasantly surprised with how warm it was but half of Lightning Lake trail and all of Strawberry Flats trail was covered in snow. We went to Lightning Lake first where we saw a Snowshoe Hare, Columbian Ground Squirrels and Chipmunks. We then saw Barrow's Goldeneyes, tons of Townsend's, Wilson's and Yellow Warblers (none would pose for a photo), Interior subspecies of Steller's Jay, Warbling Vireos, Dark-eyed Juncos, Kinglets, Nuthatches, Spotted Sandpiper, Common Mergansers, Chestnut-backed and Mountain Chickadees. We watched an Osprey grab a fish. I had never seen an Osprey there before so it was cool. After walking around the whole lake, we went to Strawberry Flats. Here we were bombared with cute Gray Jays who eagerly wanted my peanuts. We fed them and took so...