“Dare to Bird” makes the BC Best Seller List!

I was honoured to find out that my book Dare to Bird made the BC Best Seller List and in the top ten too! I’m blown away by all the support for this book and am so touched that so many people like the book and find it resonating with them! You can see the BC Best Seller List in full HERE and in the Vancouver Sun HERE Indigo and Amazon both sold out of the book and Amazon became back ordered. In fact Indigo sold out twice but just restocked it again and are offering 10x the points for Canadian Books like mine if you buy the book from them online . The book is also available in most local bookstores (thanks to all of them for carrying it) and for free to loan at almost all local libraries. It was nice to see that there are many holds on the copies! The book is also available as an e-book which came out June 24th. Thanks to all the folks sending me pics of them with the book. Also thanks to the young birders who went to the bookstore Upstart and Crow on Granville Island to buy the...