2 Arctic Terns in Metro Van - A Great Day Out On The Water!

Young birder Bridget and her dad Keith asked me to go out on their boat with them for our annual boat trip yesterday. We traveled past Wreck Beach past Iona's south jetty and came across a small group of Terns. As the boat approached closer we could see they were Common Terns and almost immediately we noted how short two of the birds legs were compared to the other Terns. Also the bills were much stubbier. Also we noted how dark the body of the adult was compared to the paler Common Terns. One of the other short-legged birds was a juvenile.We could not believe our eyes that we were looking at an adult and juvenile Arctic Tern in Vancouver!. The juvenile was begging like crazy from the adult and we got some good recordings. You can listen to the juvenile begging to the adult below: They were very tame and let the boat approach them quite close for some phenomenal photographs!. This was only the second Arctic Tern I had ever seen in Metro Vancouver. The last one was off the s...