A Gray-tailed Tattler (GTTA) was found by Joachim Bertrands and Christian Kelly on June 23rd at Minette Bay. This was Canada's first record. A news story on the bird from CBC news can be found here . A CBC Radio interview with my friend Walter Thorne about the GTTA can be found here . You may remember how I missed this rare bird by 20 mins in Nome . A painful memory, as not only did I miss him but also a Ross's and Ivory Gull all in the same area. So it was a lifer I really wanted to get. I got the Ivory Gull recently therefore I am just waiting now for the Ross's Gull.... Anyways I decided to get up there on Friday even though it was a long long way from Vancouver. It is beautiful country up there and I looked forward to get back there. I arrived and went straight to the spit at Minette Bay and walked out. I met Mark Phinney from Dawson Creek who was there and had been waiting for 8 hours before it showed up. I also met up with local Kitimat birder Walter Thorne. ...