The new Osprey Nesting Platforms are up in Grant Narrows!

Last month the old decaying Osprey nesting platforms collapsed and fell into Pitt Lake and no one wanted to fix them ....I tried to get help from every level of government, city and regional parks. We were in a rush because we knew the birds wanted to begin nesting and it's huge work for them plus the Bald Eagles predate them so we wanted to give them a helping hand since they were visibly distressed when they couldn't use their old nests sites.

Well Kathy Boylen and I set out to get a plan to get these new nest platforms up. We contacted the local Katzi First Nations and I contacted the Federal and Provincial Governments who had no jurisdiction and sadly weren't eager to help but I wanted to clear everything legally and we were set. Next the boat we had was too large to get us out and the platforms weren't designed right for the pilings so we had to go back to the drawing board and get them reconstructed. Thank you to Chris Bradford who volunteered his time and boat to help us get them out on the lake!!! Thank you to biologist Eric Balke for introducing us to Chris. Today both platforms went up they are positioned near the dyke so all can see them. The perches are aligned so that the bird will normally sit facing south and can see their nests and will be visible to the public on the dyke. The nests are placed about 1 mile apart and one is easily seen from the viewing tower.  One pair circled over the platform after it was put into place. I guess the saying "If you build it they will come" really holds true LOL. Let's hope they bring many years of nesting success to these birds!

It felt really good to help them out despite all the difficulty in getting them up (installing took 3 hours) but I wasn't going to give up and made sure to keep Kathy uplifted after her hard work making these. The platforms each have a perch and the bottoms have strong wire mesh on them. They are very solid and handmade out of wood.

Next time you go to Grant Narrows let me know what you think and if the birds are using them. The only thing injured in the process was 1 rope and 1 shirt due to creosote.

New solid Osprey nesting platforms with perches are up on Pitt Lake

Osprey at nest in BC - Photo: Melissa Hafting

Ospreys are such cool birds, they deserve the best - Photo: Melissa Hafting


  1. Great shots of the ospreys I look forward to checking them out

  2. Amazing job as well getting those platforms installed. It’s wonderful for the birds!

  3. fantastic idea mel, that must have been a lot of work but the platforms look awesome! hopefully the ospreys use them soon!

  4. Is there no end to your talents??

  5. I thank you and I am sure the Osprey thank you for all you and your support team did in helping out the birds. Awesome. Nice timing on the action shot.

  6. Congratulations to you and your team. I have no idea where you find the time, and energy to do all this!

  7. Viktor VandereykMay 8, 2018 at 9:19 PM

    Nice looking platforms! Hope the Ospreys are happy with them!!

  8. Thank you and great work,
    Hopefully it will last for many more years.

  9. Thanks everyone very touched by your kind words glad it finally came to fruition and hope the birds like them and the perches! Cheers


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