Recent photos from my escapades with fox kits and birds this past week

This week I have been back in Vancouver and the birding has been good. The first day I get back from Arizona Bridget Spencer found a Redwing. Since then a steady stream of local rarities have occurred from a Red-naped Sapsucker to House Wren to Sage Thrashers to a Hudsonian Godwit (photo below) and Northern Mockingbird. I was able to see most except for the Sapsucker and Mockingbird and a Solitary Sandiper  that got flushed. In addition to the rarities I have been enjoying local finding some perched Violet-green Swallows, a Yellow-headed Blacbird and getting close to a Cinnamon Teal drake that wasn't scared of me (most are flighty!). Also I did my annual fox trip and got to see some cute kits including a whitish one. However the black kits are my favourite. It's may now and summer is around the corner I posted a photo here of the adult Red Fox and you can see he was molting from his winter to summer coat. I saw him catch a rabbit for his baby too, the true circle of life. They are such beautiful animals. Soon I will be off shooting Loons with their chicks  but first next week is our Young Birder Tofino Pelagic, I love this time of year.

Thanks for taking a look!

Black variant Red Fox Kit - Photos: Melissa Hafting

Adult Red Fox - Photo: Melissa Hafting

Silver variant adult Red Fox with rabbit - Photo: Melissa Hafting

Silver variant adult Red Fox with rabbit - Photo: Melissa Hafting

Male Cinnamon Teal in Richmond - Photo: Melissa Hafting

Male Yellow-headed Blackbird in Richmond - Photo: Melissa Hafting

Violet-green Swallows in Delta - Photo: Melissa Hafting

Hudsonian Godwit at Reifel - Photo: Melissa Hafting


  1. Beautiful photos the fox kits are adorable

  2. Beautiful collection of shots!! Sounds like you had some great times!!

  3. thank you both very sweet of you to comment.


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