Birds in the News

2018 is the Year of The Bird

Birds They Truly Bind Our Communities Together 

The interesting and sad plight of Alaska's declining Black Guillemots

Safety is paramount for Female Birders!

The dark side of birding "Racism in our Hobby." Read what an African American ornithologist had to say about his racist encounter in the field. Being a person of colour myself, I have experienced the same in all aspects of  my life including birding.

Review of the new Nat Geo Field Guide

The world's largest concentration of Bald Eagles is threatened by mining.

Victoria, BC had a great Christmas Bird Count

Migrating Waterfowl at the Canadian Border are dying from toxins. Read about the efforts to save them.

Snowy Owls are being shot at airports. Yes it happens right here at YVR in Vancouver as well. We need to find humane methods of removal.

Snowy Owls and Seabirds are declining due to climate change 

New bird-like dinosaur discovered

Aftermath of the Hurricanes 

Hummingbirds are like bees, who knew?

Photo processing Tips to enhance your bird photography 

Free bird Movie "The Society of Birdwatchers"

New study shows that birds work to sing together 

New study shows birds and humans share communication link

The Moors in England are the deadliest place for birds

New book on "The Birds of Nunavut"

The cruel sport of Pigeon racing needs to end.

Birds are evolving so fast, scientists are watching it happen.

Another inspirational Canadian young birder 


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