Countdown to the 2018 Vancouver International Ornithological Conference. Register now for Tours!

I am excited that this event is a year away! I have been involved in this event since the beginning planning stages, as I am part of the group organizing all Young Birders activities and Field Trips at the conference. I will also be guiding a 3 day shorebirding tour for adults with Ilya Povalyaev.

The Vancouver International Bird Festival organized by my friend Rob Butler will run at the same time and will have fantastic events for birders and families of all ages. The website for the festival is HERE.

So many people have put so much hard work into this amazing event, especially Bob Elner, Rob Butler, Krista DeGroot and George Clulow and that is just the beginning of a  long list of hundreds of people!

Thanks to everyone for your hard work on this and for promoting birding in the city of Vancouver. I am especially grateful for the support I have received with the young birder IOC program I am working on. It is nice to see the Young Birders promoted and acting as ambassadors at the event. There will be an art and photo mural project with Artists for Conservation as well and the kids will be able to interact with ornithologists and scientists and listen to lectures. This will be a rewarding experience for the kids that they won't ever forget. Also, the adults won't forget this memorable event either, the city of Vancouver will come alive with Birders from around the world. It's like the "Olympics for Birders"!You can see the events Lists,  speakers and all you want to know about IOC 2018 HERE.

Here is a cool new video promoting the event:


The website with a list of available tours for adults and youth (youth tours will be posted in the next few days) are HERE . Please make sure to register early for these tours as they are priced right, are awesome and will fill fast. Hope to see you on the multi-day tour I'm leading and hope to see the youth on the ones I am leading as well. Thanks to John Reynolds, Tom Plath, Peter Candido, Ilya Povalyaev and Jeremiah Kennedy for being Tour Guides for the Youth Tours I co-organized.


  1. really cool mel i will be there and on your adult shorebird tour. That really sounds like fun and something i really want to improve my birding skills at. nice video too thanks for the share and the note on how and when to register again I was clueless.... see you in the field as len says.

  2. mel it is great work you do for kids, just great and i know it is a lot of hard work to organize and execute. the kids will have a blast at the congress in your program for them. when they get older i'm sure they won't forget you and if they do shame on them. you just work tireless for them and for us old farts too. take it easy kiddo.


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