Look what Kinder Morgan is doing to nesting Bald Eagles in Burnaby
Truly shameful. They blocked Salmon from spawning too last year. Poor Eagles they were using that nest for 25 years... what next?
Read it HERE
Keep writing your MP's and MLA's and attending a protest if you can. You can see HERE how the power of the last protest got Kinder Morgan to cease and desist temporarily. We have the power to make change if we work together! I stand in solidarity with Coast Salish First Nations in the fight against the degradation of their ancestral home.
This pipeline shouldn't be expanded for so many reasons.... not to mention what will happen to our waterways, orcas, fish and birds if there ever was a spill.
Read it HERE
Keep writing your MP's and MLA's and attending a protest if you can. You can see HERE how the power of the last protest got Kinder Morgan to cease and desist temporarily. We have the power to make change if we work together! I stand in solidarity with Coast Salish First Nations in the fight against the degradation of their ancestral home.
This pipeline shouldn't be expanded for so many reasons.... not to mention what will happen to our waterways, orcas, fish and birds if there ever was a spill.
Wow that’s just awful