Delta's moving forward with Bird Strategy
The Delta Naturalists' Society led by President Tom Bearss wanted the city of Delta to adopt a Bird and Biodiversity Conservation Strateg y that would identify, protect and enhance the area's biodiversity and birds and thanks to them and all their hard work, this will actually happen. You can watch a video about how the Delta Nats brought about this bird strategy, including making some beautiful pamphlets HERE . 2 days ago the Delta Optimist publicized the following: "Civic councilors approved a staff recommendation earlier this month to execute a contribution agreement with Environment and Climate Change Canada that provides $40,000 to Delta projects related to birds and biodiversity. Delta also pledged to support the 2018 Ornithological Congress events held in the community through its social media communications and field trip logistics support." You can read the full article in the Delta Optimist HERE The City of Vancouver has had a...