Young Birders Workshop Report, Dating Birders, Saving Birds from Fishing Nets, a new Wildlife Area in BC and Birds in the News.

1. Young birders Isaac Nelson and Bridget Spencer went this summer to the Doug Tarry young ornithologists workshop at Long Point in Ontario.
To read about their incredible time there click HERE

2. Here is a fun news article I read about dating a birder. Most non-birders and normal people think we birders are crazy so this is a fun read. Click HERE to read "A beginner's guide to dating a birder".

3. Now here is some really great news which I have talked about before. However, I wanted to share it again. The federal government has created a new wildlife area in BC. It's called "The Scott Islands Wildlife Area" and is the first wildlife area protected under the Canadian Wildlife Act. To read about this incredible news which will protect Seabirds like Tufted Puffins click HERE

4. Every year birds die in fishing nets. Thousands die actually. We find them washed up on the shore of places like Boundary bay and Point Roberts, WA. All along Vancouver Island and the coast. It's a worldwide problem and fishing nets are to blame. They don't just kill birds but marine mammals like seals. I recently found a dead harbour seal killed by fishing nets in Boundary Bay. Well a new study has come out with a simple cost effective method that can prevent these huge number of bird deaths by simply putting lights on the nets. Click HERE to read the story.

5. Watch this creepy rarely documented event! A moth drinking tears from a bird's eye in the Amazon. Click HERE if you dare.

6. A new hummingbird was discovered last year, the Blue-throated Hillstar and its almost extinct. Click HERE to read the sad news. The same is occurring to other recently discovered birds like the Cassia Crossbill and this African bird discovered in 2010.

7. Just like fishing nets certain lights can stop birds crashing into buildings. See HERE about this new study.

8. Why are all these Upland Sandpipers killing themselves each year in Ecuador? Click HERE to read this weird story.

9. Are you surprised the Trump administration wants to kill more birds? I'm not. Click HERE to read that article.

10. There is new video and a story about the unspeakable wild bird carnage and cruelty going on in the U.K. Where wild birds are trapped in cages for days with no food and water and later killed. To read this disturbing story click HERE. The UK also has a horrific record of killing Hen Harriers and other raptors that threaten their grouse hunts. I believe they will soon completely extirpate the Hen Harrier in the UK. To read how many raptors are being illegally killed in the UK click HERE.

11. Lastly, the public comment session is about to close on the Deltaport Expansion project that will affect shorebirds, Seabirds and waterfowl in this important bird area. If you have evidence about the value of the area for birds; you should submit your thoughts to by Oct 5, 2018.


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