The crazy long weekend continues with an Arctic Tern!

Well I can't quite remember a weekend like this in recent memory. To think I was planning to go away this weekend. I am so glad I didn't! Today an Arctic Tern was found on the south jetty at Iona. My poor feet were soooo tired from the walking about on the mudflats for the Little Stint. Thank goodness the Little Stint hung around today and people got great photos and views! But anyways this tern was first identified as a Common Tern I got a hold of the pics and saw immediately it was an Arctic Tern thanks to Kevin Louth who was on the jetty and said there is a probable Arctic Tern out there. So after I reviewed the pics I got the word out and many came to twitch it. I was the first one since I only live 10 mins away. I met up with Kevin and his lovely wife and my poor feet took me to the end of the jetty. I didn't see the turn I watch a baby otter and his mom roll around in the sand. I searched for Jaegers in vain and of course the Tern. I started to walk back hoping it was just spooked by all the foot traffic. Luckily around marker 230 I saw him fishing with a handful of Bonaparte's Gulls. He was so cute with his round head and tiny little red legs that were shorter than his bill.

I watched him fish and it was crazy. It reminded me of how close I got to them in Nome, AK on their breeding grounds where they sat on traffic signs haha.

Anyways this was a new Metro Vancouver bird for me # 316.

Another great day in beautiful BC! I sure hope he sticks for many others to see!

Juvenile Arctic Tern in Iona - Photos: Melissa Hafting

Adult Arctic Tern in Nome, AK on a street sign - Photo: Melissa Hafting


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