A trip to the Falkland Islands with King Penguins!

Wait no I didn't go... I wish I did and it still is on my bucket list but my friend Peter Candido and his wife Gloria went to the Falkland Islands. They went from Santiago, Chile to Buenos Aries, Argentina via Cape Horn on a cruise and got these stunning photos of King Penguins with chicks and Gentoo Penguins, not to mention the other gorgeous birds like the huge flightless Steamer Duck and stunning Inca Tern!

King Penguin and chick in the Falkland Islands - Photo: Peter Candido (used with permission)

Take a gander at his full fantastic collection HERE

I don't know about you but I'm saving up my money already...


  1. WOW amazing photos, must have been a magical experience!

    1. yes must have peter is such a talented photographer

  2. That is so neat. Going into my bucket list!


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