Seeing my book for the first time in Canada’s biggest bookstore

Today I saw my book in Canada’s biggest bookstore for the first time! Young birder program graduate Josh Brown sent me a photo of himself with my book at Chapters so I decided to finally check it out for myself. I was delaying visiting the bookstore because I knew it would be bittersweet. When I saw my book for the first time on the shelf, the feeling was incredibly special but also tinged with sadness.

I walked into Indigo Bookstore on Robson Street in Vancouver today and saw my book on the shelf beside Kaufman and Sibley in the “Birds” section. It felt so surreal and was a real special moment. I wanted to pick up the phone and call my dad or better yet I wished that he was standing beside me. What a bittersweet moment. He so wanted to see this book and how proud he would have been to see my book on the shelf.

Another day of carrying both joy and grief. I’m really proud of this accomplishment but also sad both my parents can’t be around for this but it is just another milestone they sadly won’t be physically present for anymore. Even though I’m carrying them with me it’s the physical presence and the voice and the sharing of things that I will never get over and continue to miss. It feels very unfair that my dad who I wanted more than anyone in the whole world to see my book died before it was published. The feeling of the person (s) gone who you wanted to share everything with us gut wrenching as they just can’t ever be replaced. However, I do take comfort in the fact that he knew about it and is hopefully now seeing it from above.

Again thanks to everyone who has bought a copy of my book (Amazon and Indigo are finally back in stock), or who have read it at the library. Thanks also to those who have written me personally to say how much they loved my words and my photos. Your support and the fact that so many like it and find it resonates with them, really does mean the world to me.

My book “Dare to Bird” at Indigo on Robston Street in Vancouver 


  1. So glad you’ve been able to see your book in store. A very special moment that still highlights the deep loss you’ve suffered.


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