BC Young Birders discover rare (Type 7) Red Crossbill breeding in BC

Joshua Brown and Liron Gertsman have published a paper with Matt Young (of the Finch Network) to discuss their incredible find of the first recorded breeding evidence of a rare (Type 7) Red Crossbill in BC. This bird likely is more common in BC than we realize but Liron and Josh are the first to prove the fact that they bred. They were so excited to share this with me as we texted back and forth during their trip up north. It is so nice to see their find published in this manner.

You can read their paper below which was published in the recent BCFO British Columbia Birds Journal.

Joshua Brown has the beautiful cover image of one of the male Type 7's.

Congrats to these two amazing young birders who are continuing to do the BC Birding community proud!


  1. Well done gentlemen! Good to see some intelligent locals getting recognized.


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