Photographing The Difficult Common Yellowthroat

Today won't be a lengthy post but wanted to share my encounter with this very accommodating Common Yellowthroat. It was a good morning for Warblers today and I was happy to also see my first Yellow Warbler of the year.

Yellowthroats are one of my favourite warblers and I find them extremely difficult to photograph. I've included a tight crop and also a habitat shot. To get these shots I crouched in the wet reeds beneath the bird as he hopped from bush to bush singing his heart out. I am hoping they will  nest here which would be a first for my tiny local park.

Common Yellowthroat in Richmond - Photos: Melissa Hafting


  1. Great shot Melissa! I also find them (and all warblers) very difficult to photograph. It was a good day for warblers though as I saw several Yellow-rumped and a Yellow warbler while walking our dog in the neighbourhood.

    1. thanks so much brian. Glad someone else finds these warblers difficult to photograph. It is hard enough getting bins on them much less them holding still for a photo! Yes it was a nice day indeed glad you got out and saw those warblers while walking the dog. speaking of dogs I sure miss mine.. need to get another one. thanks again.

  2. Beautiful shot Melissa! I think it’s hard to even get a good look at them! By the way I am the young birder that you saw when you saw the Red naped Sapsucker! ��

    1. thank you so much raymond! it was great meeting you at the red-naped sapsucker! i am impressed by your birding skills!. By the way this was taken at garden city park so look out for them. Today i had a western wood-pewee there and a northern rough-winged swallow and a yellow warbler . at paulik there was an olive sided flycatcher and western tanager and both parks had many wilson's , black-throated gray, townsend's, orange-crowned and yellow-rumpeds. pacific-slopes and hammond's flys. it sure is a special place!

  3. Nice shots Mel they are beautiful.

  4. Stunning shot. A fantastic image of the bird.


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