Invitation To Attend The public Iona Wastewater Treatment Plant Project Meetings

Metro Vancouver is hosting two public online community meetings on May 19th and May 21st for the general public to attend.

This is to discuss the upcoming decommissioning of the Iona sewage ponds which will affect many migratory shorebirds and waterfowl that use the area.

These public meetings will be held on:

Tuesday, May 19, 2020, 12:00 to 2:00 pm or
Thursday, May 21, 2020, 6:30 to 8:30 pm 

In these meetings Metro Van states they want the public to learn about the design concepts for the new plant and give feedback on community and park integration, and habitat enhancement and resource recovery opportunities. 

This is your chance to stand up for the birds that use this important area and voice your opinion on how you think habitat should be restored.

To sign up please click HERE

I have been invited to attend a second stakeholder meeting with Metro Van Park on May 13th and I will be sure to voice my concerns about the importance of these lagoons to birds and birders in the area and how the new sewage plant will negatively impact them. I will push for the proposal of making wetland lagoons even though YVR is worried about Geese coming into contact with planes.  Hopefully they will confirm some restoration plans and scrap the last discussed idea which was to charge admission for certain areas at the park. To read about the last summary of the meeting and to refresh your memory about what will happen to Iona sewage ponds please click here. It will be a sad loss for birders but hopefully we can make lemonade out of lemons.


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