There's No Place Like Nome - June 4-11th
I have always wanted to go to Nome and I finally made
it. Me, myself and I went this June 4th for a week. It's a very
expensive place (esp. for a Canadian in this exchange rate) and gas is
5$ a gallon so I had to save up for quite some time for this trip. I had
to do a lot of planning because things book up there close to a year in
advance. Everyone wants to go the first two weeks of June to see all
the breeding birds. It was all worth it even with the horrendous
mosquitoes. This is truly the best place I've ever birded in my life and
not only that, the scenery and animals like Muskox are fantastic to
look at. I've been dreaming of seeing Muskox for so long!
The moment I
got off the plane after a full day of travel on Alaska Air from
Vancouver to Seattle to Anchorage and then to Nome via Kotzebue, I was
exhausted. When the plane landed in Kotzebue it was the first time I'd
ever been north of the Arctic circle. There was a little snow on the
ground in places but it was very warm. Warmer in the air than Vancouver
when I left it actually. My bag was packed with down jackets and long
sleeves shirts and long johns. The weather was projected to be 4-10C
without the wind chill when I left but when I got there, it was at least
Muskox were
hanging close to town and Red-necked Phalaropes, Long-tailed Ducks and
Red-throated Loons were abundant. Aleutian, Arctic Terns and Glaucous
Gulls flew overhead. I knew at this moment it was a special place that I
would never forget.
The Inuit as we
call them in Canada and Eskimo people as the Americans call them here
were very friendly. The preferred most respectful term for these
Indigenous people in Nome is Inupiat or Inupiaq. Most of the Inupiaq
still hunt here for survival also the price of food here which is
brought by plane and boat is ridiculously expensive. The Inupiaq hunt
whales, seabirds, gather and collect seabirds eggs (I watched them
collect Mew Gull and Loon eggs), collect herbs, seeds and plants and
hunt seals, walrus, muskox, bear and caribou etc. They use the Qiviut
(wool) of the Muskox and hides from other animals like seals and caribou
for clothing and boats. Subsistence hunting is a way of life here even
in 2017.
I watched many
children out late at night playing past midnight. While I was birding
around a local park I spoke to a father there and he said the kids only
see light for so little during the cold snowy winter so he lets them go
outside late in the summer. It's a tough life not for the faint of
Many of the Inupiaq are marginalized there in similar situations to our First Nations in Canada. Drug and
alcohol abuse, fetal alcohol syndrome and suicide is prevalent in this isolated place.
Climate change is playing a major role in their society nowadays and is
affecting their traditional way of life especially around subsistence
hunting which they are so dependant on. There were many people there
talking about Trump's ridiculous views on climate change (he believes it
doesn't exist). Maybe he should visit the Arctic?
While I was
birding and saw some Inupiaq collecting eggs from Red-throated Loons and
Mew Gulls that were sitting on their nests, they were confronted by
some birders who did not respect their cultural and legal right to
gather and collect eggs. Well after a shouting match where the birders
were called racists and told off one of the young Inupiaq woman said I'm
tired of being treated like a second class citizen. Unfortunately in
2017 in the US and Canada they and all indigenous people are still
treated as such by society and in government. They still suffer
systematic racism. Even on some reserves they do not have potable water
which is unbelievable that they live in third world conditions in the
western world, especially since they were the First Peoples in this
I also
witnessed a disturbing event of two young Inupiaq men shooting Tundra
Swans as target practice and goading birders about how they hate Swans.
This was disturbing to see one because the animals were suffering and
wounded and they were all dead or dying for nothing as the birds were
left and not collected for meat. Second not to excuse the behaviour but I
also felt sad for the young men who are obviously suffering from
boredom and other emotional problems most likely due to marginalization.
In AK I learned
that 25% of the indigenous population lives below the poverty line and
in Nome that number is 7%. However, the houses in Nome were quite nice
in comparison to some Indigenous communities I have been to. Plus Nome
has areas that are tribal villages you can't go on like where the King
Islanders live off the Teller Hwy but the city is made up of Caucasian
people as well who make up 38% of the population. Many of the Inupiaq
people feel disconnected from their culture since in school they were
not allowed to speak their own language and Elders who fluently speak
the language are passing away. Many years ago they were only permitted
to use English in school and if they spoke their own tongue they were
hit. This is similar to our old deplorable residential schools in
Canada. In Nome students are now learning the Inupiaq language which
helps carry on their culture and identity and young men are learning
from Elders the way to carve Ivory sculptures from Walrus tusks. Many
tourists buy these Ivory pieces from the lone gift shop in town as it is
one of the few places in the world you can still buy legal Ivory. The
animal is not killed solely for Ivory as in the poaching that goes on in
Africa but the Inupiaq use the whole carcass for meat and the hide for
boats etc. I wonder how much money from each Ivory sale in Nome makes it
back to the original artist? I'm guessing not much.
Nome is a
special place with special people like the Inupiaq with their amazing
culture and impressive skill and strength to survive in the harsh
climates and it is where the end of the famous Iditarod dog sled race
ends.Of course it holds many specialty birds you can't see anywhere else
in North America, like the Arctic Warbler. I was able to see all the
sought after breeders here Eastern Yellow Wagtail, Bluethroat,
Bristle-thighed Curlews, White Wagtail, Northern Wheatear etc but more
on that later.
When the taxi
pulled up to my hotel the Dredge 7 Inn I was pleasantly surprised with
how it looked but for 250$ Cad a night I was hoping for concierge
service... I jest. (On a side note this hotel is lovely inside but I do
not recommend it due to poor management and a rude owner. This owner
tried to scam and overcharge myself and 4 others by increasing the room
rate without telling us and who spoke to guests in a horrible manner.
Only with a lot
of back and forth and assertiveness and calling my bank in Canada did I
get the charges reversed which was a hassle. The best place to book and
stay at is the Aurora Inn or Angel Camp by the Sea B&B.
All the hotels
rent cars but be sure to book this about a year in advance as getting a
car is no easy task. There are not many hotels and not many cars. Even
if you do get a car make sure it's a working one. A few people at my
hotel got such a crappy truck it would barely work all the engine lights
were on and tires had lots of patches and it kept going flat. He paid
75$ to have it replaced but then the patch didn't hold. Without a car in
Nome you can't do much so make sure you get one. Also if anything
happens to you and your car on those 3 summer gravel roads that are 72
miles or longer one way , you are hooped. Cell phones don't work on most
of the outer roads. The roads are all gravel and can be quite rough
with potholes in spots as well, so a good working car is essential.
As I said, the
exchange rate is poor right now so it all worked out very costly. One
week in Nome was way more than three weeks I recently did in TX but as
my friends Mike Tabak and Thor Manson told me, life is too short to
worry about money. For the Inupiaq people here that may not hold true.
I've been asked
to describe Nome's city it's hard for me to do but let's just say I did
not find it very pretty and it was very dusty. One guy from WA there
described it as a ugly Ocean Shores another described it as Skid Row.
Perhaps he said this as you do see some drunk people around the many
bars in the downtown core. Most are sadly of the marginalized Native
population that travel to Nome from dry villages.
I would not say it's skid row
at all but most of the houses are older wooden houses. Almost all of the
houses there have a chained up dog . Most of the town buildings , like
many of the homes, look tired and in need of renovation and painting. I
would say not to judge a book by it's cover though, for instance, husky
restaurant looked awful and derelict on the outside but when you went
inside it was lovely and had great food.
On a positive
note all the birders in town bring much needed money to the city. I met a
gold miner at Milano's Restaurant where I had dinner the first night
(great food by the way, choices are very limited in town).
He stars in the
show on the discovery channel called "Bering Sea Gold" that is filmed
in Nome. He is originally from Calgary but is a dual citizen. He said he
hates living here because it's a tough life but the money is too good
in gold mining. The price of gold is very high and Nome is still an
active gold mining town. They call the beaches here "golden beaches."
Divers like the guy I met take small dredgers out in the water and dive
for gold using suction cup technology. In the colder months he has to
use a chainsaw to cut through the ice to get to the gold. It's a
dangerous career.
After putting
down my stuff I headed out for a short look around. Just around town I
saw a Pacific and American Golden-Plover,Common and Hoary Redpolls,
Grey-cheeked Thrushes, Yellow Warblers and Savannah Sparrows.
I decided to
head to bed after hearing from my friend Randy Walker who was here with
his brother Rob (unfortunately we were never able to connect as they
left a day after I got there) that he had an Arctic loon, emperor geese,
bristle-thighed curlew, rock and Willow Ptarmigan, white and yellow
wagtail, horned puffin and bluethroat. He had not seen some of the
reported rarities: Lesser Sand Plover , Grey-tailed Tattler, Great Knot,
Common Ringed Plover, Ross's or Ivory Gull. My number one goal was to
get that Ross's Gull and Ivory but I wasn't going to hold my breath.
It was so hot
that first night that I slept with the window open. As I stared at my
ceiling I noticed it was decorated with Muskox wool. I didn't get much
sleep though, as the tied up dogs that were chained to outdoor dog
houses at almost every property all day long (not much of a life) barked
all through the night.
My curtains
blacked out all light for the most part and I wore a sleeping mask and
ear plugs. These are essential to your sleep as birders come and go all
day and night in the hotel and same with cars and people outside. In the
short summer in Nome it seems no one sleeps in the land of the midnight
sun. Also, the birds sing loud all night when you are trying to sleep,
especially the Grey-cheeked Thrushes right outside my window.
I recommend two
book guides for your trip: The Nome Guide by the Alaska Dept of Fish
and Game (essential!) and the Alaska ABA guide. Also during your stay
keep checking ebird rarity alerts for Nome County. Don't forget to stop
in at the Aurora Inn to view the written sightings for the day. All the
bird groups stay here and they have a sightings board in the lobby.
In the morning,
I was eager to get up and look at the shorebirds we see in Vancouver on
their breeding grounds. I picked up some bear spray (can't bring it on
the plane) and left town. I started on the Council Rd. I made my first
stop at the Nome River Bridge where I picked up a lifer Aleutian Tern. I
watched the Aleutian and Arctic Terns diving for fish in the river. As I
continued down the road I saw many Common Eiders (another lifer) in
gorgeous breeding plumage. I met up with some American friends and saw
several Semi-palmated Sandpipers displaying. A Red Fox stopped and
stared at us while Lapland Longspurs serenaded us.
The mosquitoes
here were so awful. When the wind died down it was like stepping into a
hive of bees, with the constant buzzing and stinging bites. I was very
glad to have my mosquito head net and gloves and tons of bug spray with
deet. Only the headnet and gloves worked. The Deet sprays did not
though, as they were relentless, even biting through pants. When I go
back I will be buying the full mesh jacket and pants bug protective set
to wear.
At Safety Sound
I stopped and had Arctic Loon, Horned Puffin and all the other 4 Loon
Species. I'd finally got my lifer Arctic Loon. As I continued on I saw
the infamous train to nowhere that had now partially sunk into the wet
I went up 1500
feet and saw much more snow here. The landscape was so impressive and
then I saw a small herd of Muskox. Seeing these guys in Nome trip was my
first time seeing this species. I have always wanted to see these
mammals that are related to sheep and goats (even though they look like
Mini long haired Bison). I stepped out of the car and got some photos of
these gorgeous creatures. They touched foreheads with each other in an
amazing sign of affection and fell asleep on the ground after grazing. I
felt blessed to witness this.
I drove all the
way to the end of the road to the small village of Council. As you get
near Council you go through a Boreal Forest. Here I picked up a male
Rusty Blackbird perched by the car. Other good birds here were Boreal
Owl, White-winged Crossbill, Boreal Chickadee and Gray Jay.
In the evening
when I got back to town I decided to walk out into the tundra because I
saw a gorgeous Long-tailed Jaeger sitting in a field. He was hovering
and landing searching for food. He let me approach close and at one
point he was flanked by a Whimbrel and male Lapland Longspur. The male
Longspur allowed for fabulous shots as he belted out his song. A
Rough-Legged Hawk and Short-eared Owl flew overhead.
Suddenly, I
noticed a Parasitic and Long-tailed Jaeger dive bombing a male Willow
Ptarmigan far in the distance. I still wonder what that was about.
I walked out to
the Ptarmigan and he was making his funny sounding calls each time that
the Jaegers dive bombed him. All were oblivious to my presence. The
Ptarmigan was constantly trying to shake off the unrepentant mosquitoes,
just as I was. I got my shots at midnight after the Ptarmigan had his
fill of fluffy willow buds and he fell asleep. I had a long walk back to
the car and all the while I was getting eaten alive by mosquitoes. At
this point I had been birding for 18 hours straight (which I ended up
doing my whole stay pretty much - so much to see and so little time). I
was tired but the light was great and I wanted to take advantage of it.
The best light for photography was around 1 am.
I went to East
End Park which is on the edge of town where there are a couple of small
ponds. Here I photographed a singing Grey-cheeked Thrush, breeding
plumaged Long-tailed Ducks, Red-throated Loons, Western Sandpipers and
Red-necked Phalaropes that began mating in front of me.
There are four
main restaurants and a Subway in Nome and two small grocery stores. The
restaurants are the Polar Cafe, Milano's, Husky and the Bering Sea.
They serve both western and Italian in addition to Korean, Japanese and
Chinese cuisine.
Since food must
come by boat or air a 5$ sub in Vancouver is about 14$ US here. Dinners
in the restaurant average 25-35$ US. The food was very good in all the
restaurants. The Polar Cafe was extremely busy with birders every
morning for breakfast. Many birders chatted over their sightings here
some had just come back from Barrow,St Paul and Gambell on St Lawrence
Island and a few from Russia! I kind of wished I had taken the 1 hour
plane ride to Russia but oh well you must get your visa well ahead of
time so I would have needed to prepare for it. It would have been great
to go there with Ilya who can speak the language. Surprisingly flights
were not expensive at all. A lot of people were talking about all the
amazing rarities they had seen at Gambell and all the trash on the
ground there and how the Native people there were destitute. Every day I
would check ebird and see my friend Paul Lehman just racking in the
most incredible rarities every day. This rarity streak was going on for
quite some time as my friend Paul Prappas was in Gambell at the end of
May and got many at that time as well. Nome wasn't having such luck.
The next day I
got up and drove the Kougarok Rd (the Rd that takes you to the curlews).
At mile 11, I heard the distinctive call of a Arctic Warbler. I got out
and got a photo of it. It was not easy and took me several hours with
many breaks in between of waiting in the baking heat and mosquitoes.
They are extremely hard to photograph as they are flitting around
everywhere and travel hundreds of metres in seconds. I drove on and at
mile 21 found some more birds but they were even less accommodating than
the previous one. I gave up and just watched and listened to them it
was far more pleasant. Some people call them drab but I found them very
beautiful. I noticed many listers just stop and tick the bird and barely
looked at it anxiously looking for the prized Bluethroat. The Arctic
Warbler is the only old world Warbler (that is part of the leaf
warblers) that is found in North America and AK is the only place you
can see it.
One man who had
mobility issues and was hearing impaired stopped by asking if I had a
Bluethroat or Arctic Warbler when I was standing staring at the bush
with my camera, tripod and bins in hand. He was thrilled when I got him
on the Warbler. About 1 hour later he came back to me in his car so
excited and told me he had a bluethroat at mile 27. I was so happy for
him that he got his targets. I went there and sure enough it was a male
there singing and displaying.
This is
probably the most stunning bird I've ever seen in my life and one I was
hoping to see as all birders do who come to Nome. The rufous tail, white
eyebrow and the red, white and blue on the throat and chest is
something to behold.
I noticed at
the Arctic Warbler and Bluethroat spots at mile 21 and 27 had cairns
placed there for birders to be alerted to the spot. This is good and bad
as it's wonderful to help out other birders but the bluethroat and
Arctic warblers were endlessly taped. The Bluethroat at mile 27 was
essentially taped to death. I was surprised he was responding at all
after all the tape playing. Later on during my stay I found a lone
Bluethroat he eventually posed right in front me (over the course of a
few days) and I was all alone with the bird which was very nice. I went
back to that lone bird over three days and was able to watch his natural
behaviour and photograph him. It took three days to get a decent shot
of him. He was harder to photograph than any other bird I've ever
photographed. Without playing a tape it's a waiting game and a painful
one but it was worth it. Take your patience to Nome if you plan on
photographing birds there.
Seeing the
Arctic Warbler and Bluethroat were one of my top highlights. I ended up
seeing 8 Bluethroats along that one road (including 2 at Salmon Lake)
and 10 Arctic Warblers.
While driving
on the Kougarok Rd I was inspired by the gorgeous beauty of the tundra
and snowy Kugliak Mountains. At one point I thought I had a polar bear
(they are rarely sighted in Nome) but it was a completely white Grizzly
Bear. I have seen many Grizzlies but never one this white! He looked as
white as the BC Black "Spirit" Bears. I almost wondered at the time if
he was a hybrid with a Polar Bear as they do exist but looking at him
all his features were spot on for Grizzly. Also along this road I saw a
Parasitic Jaeger kill and eat a Golden-crowned Sparrow. Northern
Harriers flew over and Blackpoll, Wilson's and Yellow Warblers sang
their hearts out with accompanying Red Fox
Sparrows, American Tree and Golden and White-crowned sparrows. I also
saw 40 muskoxen with 9 adorable calves here. The calves almost look like
small cute wild boars.
I've been to
Alaska a few times but the furthest north I ever went was Skagway and
boy it was nothing like Nome. I've never been anywhere quite like it and
I've been to the Yukon. It's a truly amazing and captivating place.
The best thing
to do when you come to Nome is if you see a birder looking intently
through his or her scope or bins stop and ask what they are looking at.
Everyone I met this way was so friendly and we exchanged information and
both parties ended up happy. For instance I helped a lady who was
looking for Emperor Geese and Bar-tailed Godwits and she helped me find
Eastern Yellow-Wagtails and Northern Wheatears. I met people from all
around the world this way Sweden, Japan, Australia etc.
One thing to
know about Alaska at this time of year is that your skin will completely
dry out here and turn ashen. So make sure you drink a lot of water and
reapply lotion often and bring Chapstick. Make noise and stay out of the
dense Willows (especially by the rivers) where moose and bear frequent.
Carry bear spray at all times if you leave the car and hike more than
50 feet from your vehicle. Make sure you know how to use the bear spray
and I don't just mean watch a 3 min YouTube video. That bear spray can
save your life but it's virtually useless if you don't know how to use
it quickly and effectively. It's surprising
how you can be standing in front of a Willow and the Grizzly bear be
literally right there amongst them so don't be fooled.
Make sure you
wear hiking boots that are waterproof and have gortex pants and
waterproof boots. That dry looking tundra holds a lot of moisture and is
a lot more difficult to walk in than it looks, you can't move that fast
in it.
Also bring tons
of snacks with you to Nome. There is no going back into town for lunch
unless you seriously want to cut down on your birding days and increase
your driving times and gas costs. Don't buy most snacks at a grocery
store as they are double the price as back home. Buy sandwich supplies
at the store so you can pack a lunch daily. You can save more money by
buying dinners at the grocery store to cook at your hotel instead of
paying to eat out each day which is pricey. First aid kid and emergency
blanket should be with you , flare, matches and at least a bear bell if
you don't want to carry Spray. Another tip is to book your Alaska Air
flight (only airline that goes to Nome) online on cyber Monday. This can
save you hundreds of dollars. A scope is essential for seabird watching
so make sure you have one. You can rent one if you don't own one.
Also, I found
the birds there challenging to photograph especially the ducks, eiders
and swans that are hunted. All these birds are extremely skittish. I
recommend a 500 or 600 mm lens. I used a canon lens (100-400mm). It
really didn't have enough reach for most birds even with the 1.4
teleconverter on it. A tripod that can get wet is essential because you
have to take many birds that are in the water and you need to go in the
water and sit so that's why you have gortex pants or waders and boots. A
tripod is also essential because of the long waiting times. Don't
forget extra 64gb SD cards and extra batteries as you can't buy any in
town. A good thing to have is a camera battery car charger you can get
for 30$ from Amazon.You need a lot of patience and if you held your
camera for that long your arm would fall off! My friends were shooting
with a 600mm and a 2X converter. I used this personal bird blind by lens
coat for 120$ US and it is essential in my books to photograph birds
properly in Nome.
You can buy it HERE
The next day I
returned to Kougarok Rd to mile 72 to hike for the Bristle-thighed
Curlews! Thanks to Matt and Court Cameron for giving me such excellent
directions. You hike up a hill opposite to "Coffee Dome Hill." It was
not a lifer for me but one of my top AK birds as it is for any birder
who comes here for the first time. You can't see them anywhere but
Alaska and Hawaii pretty much in the US. I climbed up a steep hill over
deep ruts and tundra that seemed to move under my feet like bowling
balls. It definitely was an ankle twisting hike and I fell a few times
going up haha. It was also wet so it's best for people to wear
waterproof hiking boots. It took me 45 mins to reach the top and my
Fitbit said it was equivalent to walking 35 flights of stairs. On the
way up I took my time looking at American Golden-Plovers in breeding,
Whimbrels and Lapland Longspurs.
When I got to
the crest of the hill this guy waved me over as I got closer I saw it
was Jon Dunn. Jon is a well known birder and the author of the Birds of
North American field guide by National Geographic. I had actually met
him at breakfast that same morning at the Polar Cafe. He had found a
Bristle-thighed curlew and was waiting to show it to me. I quickly got
on it with bins. He then let me look at it with a scope. Another flew in
and they began to sing their distinctive call/song. A few Whimbrel flew
in as well and you could really hear the difference between the two.
Also, when they stood side by side the Whimbrel was paler on the back
and the Bristle-Thighed had much more contrast. In flight we saw the
diagnostic rump colours. Bristle-thighed Curlews have buff coloured
rumps and the Whimbrels have a brown rump.
After that Jon asked me to walk with him and his large (21 people!) "Wings" group and we ended up getting 8 Bristle-thighed Curlews.
Later, Gavin
Bieber who was also guiding spotted a male Rock Ptarmigan in gorgeous
breeding plumage (almost all white). We got great views of it and then
left. When I followed them back down the hill I was hoping to not twist
an ankle or fall down the hill. They went down an easy trail with no
ankle twisting possibilities. Too bad I didn't find this trail on the
way up!
It was a
magical experience and I highly recommend a "Wings" tour with Jon Dunn
if you like group tours. Gavin Bieber who was with Jon was beyond
excellent as well and he spotted a Ross's Gull later that day. Of course
I wasn't there! Before getting in the car I saw large flocks of Greater
White-fronted Geese fly over.
As I drove out I noticed three American Golden-Plovers around mile 64. I got out to photograph it.
It was neat sitting on the tundra with a couple of stunning males as they foraged for food between gorgeous alpine flowers.
Around Mile 60
it was sad to see a grizzly bear take two young moose calves. The fight
happened right off the main road. The mother tried to trample him and
was running back and forth in distress but the grizzly stood up and
swatted her and ran and grabbed her two calves and began eating them on
the river bank. The grizzly needs to eat but boy it was hard to listen
to the calves cry out as they were torn apart and watch the mother pace
back and forth for a full hour. It was heartbreaking to feel this
sentient animal's distress. She finally crossed the river and left when
she realized she was defeated and her calves had stopped crying. The
Grizzly remained over the carcasses of her babies. I've never seen
anything quite like it. This was also sad for another reason, according
to AK Fish and Game the Moose population is extremely depleted and is
dropping fast since 2010. The main reason that this is occurring is due
to Grizzly bears killing calves. Nature is beautiful but can be so cruel
and powerful.
When I got back
to town I went to the harbour in search of a White Wagtail tip and I
did find it. There was also a Spotted Seal here lying on the beach. I
then sat down with a cooperative Arctic Tern and a not so cooperative
Sabine's gull and multiple Black-legged Kittiwakes. I got some nice
shots of the Arctic Terns in flight as he let me walk right under him.
Later on that
evening after a 19 hour birding day, on Council Rd I got views of a nice
Red-throated Pipit, Slaty-backed Gull, Eurasian Wigeon, Semipalmated
Plover, Kittlitz's Murrelet (very cool to see here) and all 5 loon
species again. I stopped in at Hastings Creek Lagoon and spotted two
threatened Spectacled Eiders swimming, I almost fell over as that's
pretty uncommon. It was a fantastic day.
The last place I
stopped was Teller Rd. Here I got to see Inupiaq people swimming in the
river. It was so frigid I don't know how they did it. A Northern
Wheatear was along the road and a Pacific and American golden Plover in
breeding plumage plus a few Short-eared owls, many Long-tailed and
Parasitic jaegers and a Peregrine Falcon was sitting on the famous
"House Rock." It was a great way how to end the day.
The next
morning I went straight to Hastings Creek where I saw 3 Eastern Yellow
Wagtails I dipped on the day before. As they hovered for food I was able
to get a photo of the male. It was a lifer for me. I stopped by small
lagoons on the side of the roads that held many Tundra Swans, Red-necked
Phalropes, Long-tailed and Scaup and Red -throated Loons. On the rivers
I saw Red-breasted and Common Mergansers and had a Northern Shrike
hunting in a nearby field.
As I stopped on
the side of the road along Council Rd near mile 53 a dog came running
up to me and cowering so I gave him a pet and a snack. I then walked 50 m
down the trail into the willows to photograph an old dredger (I had
bear spray and a bear bell) but within 5 mins this man whistled for his
dog and screamed "do you have a gun on you?." thought maybe I was
trespassing so I lifted my hand and showed the camera and said I'm just
taking a photo and he said "ok you gotta get out of there I had 4
Grizzlies there about 5 mins ago and they are still there" and he waved
his hand gun and said I have been firing shots all morning. He said
hunting season just ended so all the bears are down by the rivers now.
It's the most dangerous time to be going 50 feet off the road.
So I thanked
him and left. I spotted the bears as I climbed into the car and we had
literally almost been holding hands.I'm bear aware but it's a stark
reminder for myself and everyone that we are in grizzly country and it's
their place not ours. After seeing a grizzly take on an adult moose and
win I'd never have a chance. From then on I made sure to stay close to
the road along the riverways at all times.
On my way back
into town at mile 15 there was an idiot photographer walking out with a
600 mm lens right up to a bull Muskox I left because I didn't want to
see him be gored. Another idiot had taken a calf into town. I found out
it was ultimately rejected after three reintegration attempts and sadly
sent to live it's life out at a zoo. Mike Toochin told me in Nome he
saw a lady try to pull the wool off a Muskox in a field. I am not sure
what all these people were thinking. These animals can be extremely
aggressive and deserve our respect at all times.
At mile 25 at
the Safety Sound Bridge I met a young man Justin from Nevada. He said to
me as I pulled up in the parking lot that he had an Ivory Gull behind
him so I ran over and could not find it. It had flown! I was so
disappointed. This was a bird I wanted so bad and then he gave me more
good and bad news. He was looking at a Ross's Gull 15 mins before I got
there in front of him but could not relocate it. Oh and he had a
Grey-tailed Tattler at mile 16.6 an hour ago. He had the best birding
day of his life and I was happy for him he was a super nice guy. I just
wish I was beside him at the time of all his sightings!
I spent hours
there looking for all three and he helped me as well but no luck! I was
pretty sad as the Ross's Gull is my most wanted of all birds. The Ivory
is my second and the Tattler would be gravy. This spot Safety Sound was a
fantastic birding spot. At low tide I ended up seeing gorgeous King and
Spectacled Eiders here. I also saw a striking Red-necked Stint and Rock
Sandpiper both in their fancy breeding colours. The day before someone
had a Black-headed Gull. (This Gull was the only rarity in Nome I got
unless you count Emperor Goose as rare as well. Frankly the Spectacled
Eiders I saw is more rare.
This area is
near the Safety Sound Roadhouse which is the last checkpoint for the
famous Iditarod dog sled race. If you drive around Nome you will surely
see large stick crosses which are the sign markers for the famous sled
The next day I
decided to head out that way again to try for those rarities. I had no
luck so decided to drive up into the mountains. In a pass I found a male
Semipalmated Plover in breeding plumage amongst the beautiful purple
tundra flowers. He was high up on a freezing windy mountain. It was
something special to sit there with him in that rocky setting. A Merlin flew fast overheard but didn't seem to notice the plover. I looked for some Wheatears here but surprisingly could not spot any.
As I was
sitting there with the male Plover an Inupiat man came up to me and
asked if I liked birds. I said I did and he said well I know where a
Golden Eagle nest is and I'll take you.
So I followed
him and lo and behold in a location I won't name (as he asked me to keep
it quiet, so the chicks are not endangered). There was the nest 10 feet
off the ground and at eye level just like he told me. I used the car as
a blind and got some shots of the 2 chicks. I sat there until the
adult came back. When the stunning female came back she sat on the nest
sheltering her chicks from the wind. She kept a watchful eye on us the
whole time. I did not want to stress her so I took a few shots and left.
It was beautiful to see that magnificent creature. That was a surreal
moment I've never been as close to Golden Eagles like this before. I was
grateful this wasn't a well known spot and couldn't imagine what a
madhouse it would be if this happened in Vancouver.
I left and
thanked the gentleman and we both went on our ways. I felt that this
moment here made up for missing a Ross's, Ivory Gull and Grey-tailed
Tattler. When one door closes another opens. This moment was the most
special moment I've ever had with any bird, in any place, in all my
On the way back
to the hotel just before the Safety Sound Bridge I spotted 2 beautiful
Emperor Geese sitting on the beach. I took a record shot and then they
were gone just like that. There was a woman from Winthrop, WA that I
kept running into everywhere who was looking for Emperor Geese I wished
she was near me at the time. She unfortunately never ended up seeing
I finished the
evening with great views of Semipalmated Sandpipers and Lapland
Longspurs doing aerial displays and Horned Larks singing in the
I decided to go
back out that same evening and look for the Gulls and tattler and I
was unsuccessful yet again sadly but I did get good looks off Cape Nome
at a lifer Black Guillemot he was in mottled breeding plumage making it
hard to identify because I couldn't rule out Pigeon since he would not
fly or preen. I ended up going back and relocating him later on to get a
look at the under wings even though some great birders confirmed it as
one just to be sure. I also had 2 Thick-billed Murres, many Black-legged
Kittiwakes, 2 close to shore Pacific Loons and a Pelagic Cormorant on
the Bering Sea across from the Quarry. This was my longest birding day
and I took some photos at 3 am of the moon and the sunset that had set
for what was to be maybe 2-3 hours but it was still bright outside just
with a pink hue to the sky and there was a full moon. It would be
strange again to see the black night back in Vancouver.
That day I
birded 20 hours and was completely exhausted with a headache. I
definitely pushed myself too far. If you go remember to pace yourself
and try and get a proper nights sleep, pull over and take short naps in
your car preferably with the engine not running.
The next
morning I slept in and got rested and went out on the Teller Highway to
see what I could find. I stopped at Cripple Creek at mile 16 and saw
Harlequins and Scaup in the river and a Wandering Tattler. I also ended
up seeing several Willow Ptarmigans both male and female at several
spots along the road and a few Pacific and American Golden-Plovers,
Whimbrel and 3 Northern Wheatears. The Northern Wheater males were doing
display flights. It was so cool seeing this bird that flies back and
forth from there to Africa. They didn't sit long for photos as they were
chasing each other through the rocks here at the start of Wooley Lagoon
Rd. I planned to go down to the Lagoon but the King Islanders Tribe has
restricted "permit only access" now which my guide books were too old
to know about. I had not secured the permit and didn't trespass.
Anyways in this
stretch of land here held gorgeous lichen covered rocks, a rushing
stream, Long-tailed Jaegers sitting on fence posts, American and
Pacific-Golden Plovers, Whimbrel, Western Sandpipers and an Arctic Tern.
I collected drinking water here as many of the locals do. It is thought
to have healing powers I was told. I headed into the little sea town of
Teller and found 2 White Wagtails one in the cemetery and one at the
sewage lagoons. Ask permission before birding the cemetery.
On the way out
at mile 40 on the Teller Hwy, I saw two men looking through scopes so I
slowed down and asked what they had and they told me they had 2
Bar-tailed Godwits, Pacific Golden-Plover, Whimbrel and Willow
Ptarmigan. I was excited especially about the Godwits so I pulled over
and joined them. It was fantastic to see the males in stunning bright
red breeding plumage. All of a sudden a female popped up out of the tall
grass and then another here and there and then they all picked up and
flew after thirty minutes. By this time I had counted a total of 14
Bar-tailed Godwits in flight. This was a personal high count for my
life, what a sight!!
The rain began
to pour (the only one day it rained during my trip). I decided to go to
a location they told me about that had a nesting Gyrfalcon and Chicks. I
got there at the spot they gave me (I wont say where as promised) and
sure enough there was a stunning white morph Gyrfalcon with her chicks. I
have never seen a wild white morph before and it lives up to all the
hoopla. It is no wonder Falconers like them so much!
On the last
morning before I left I decided to go look for the Black-headed Gull
that had been reported a few days ago. I saw the night before it was
reported at the Nome River Mouth near the bridge so I went there and low
and behold I got it. Many friendly Inupiaq were fishing on the river
sandbar here and I told them I didn't want to leave.
It was now time
to go back to Vancouver via three planes. I was so sad to leave this
wondrous place but happy to go home and have a proper sleep schedule
again. I'll never forget Nome's beautiful landscape and the incredible
birds from this trip.
I would come
back again every year if it wasn't so expensive. Definitely a place
every birder should head to in June. I never felt unsafe there once
either as a woman traveling alone.
So although I
never saw my two most wanted birds: the Ross's and Ivory Gull I could
not complain. For my first trip to Nome I felt I did pretty well and got
9 lifers and some great photos and memories. I had a spectacular trip
with beautiful birds that I'll never forget. I truly can't wait to go
back to Nome and also to explore more of Arctic Alaska. I think Barrow
will be the next goal so I can see Polar Bears and Steller's Eiders.
If you would like to see my photos from my trip to Nome, you can view them at the link to my photo album on Flickr here:
Link to Alaska album HERE
I just couldn't ask for more on this trip. This place is priceless and worth every expense in getting there.
Thanks to Graham Sunderland for providing me with an excellent guide to Nome! Big thanks to my friends Matt and Courtney Cameron for helping me with some planning and great tips for this trip!
Here is my full list of birds seen during my trip:
Emperor Geese
Great White-fronted Geese
Snow Goose
Brant Goose
Canada Goose
Tundra Swan
Eurasian Wigeon
American Wigeon
Green-winged Teal
Northern Shoveler
Greater Scaup
Lesser Scaup
Common Eider (lifer)
King Eider
Spectacled Eider (lifer)
Harlequin Duck
Long-tailed Duck
Common Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser
Rock Ptarmigan
Willow Ptarmigan
Red-throated Loon
Arctic Loon (lifer)
Yellow-billed Loon
Common Loon
Pacific Loon
Pelagic Cormorant
Northern Harrier
Rough-legged Hawk
Golden Eagle (on nest with chicks)
Gyrfalcon (on nest with chicks)
Peregrine Falcon
Sandhill Crane
Black-bellied Plover
American Golden-Plover
Pacific Golden-Plover
Semipalmated Plover
Spotted Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
Rock Sandpiper
Wandering Tattler
Bristle-thighed Curlew (8)
Bar-tailed Godwit (14 breeding birds in one group)
Ruddy Turnstone
Black Turnstone
Red Knot
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Western Sandpiper
Red-necked Stint
Least Sandpiper
Rock Sandpiper
Wilson's Snipe
Red-necked Phalarope
Red Phalarope
Black-legged Kittiwake
Black-headed Gull
Sabine's Gull
Herring Gull
Glaucous Gull
Slaty-backed Gull
Glaucous-winged Gull
Aleutian Tern (lifer)
Common Tern
Arctic Tern
Pomarine Jaeger
Parasitic Jaeger
Long-tailed Jaeger
Thick-billed Murre (lifer)
Kittlitz's Murrelet
Horned Puffin
Short-eared Owl
Boreal Owl
Northern Shrike
Gray Jay
Common Raven
Horned Lark
Tree Swallow
Bank Swallow
Cliff Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
Boreal Chickadee
Arctic Warbler (lifer)
Bluethroat (lifer)
Northern Wheatear
Grey-cheeked Thrush
Hermit Thrush
American Robin
Eastern Yellow Wagtail (lifer)
White Wagtail
Red-throated Pipit
American Pipit
Lapland Longspur
Snow Bunting
Yellow Warbler
Orange-Crowned Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
American Tree Sparrow
Golden-crowned Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
Fox Sparrow
Rusty Blackbird
Common Redpoll
Hoary Redpoll
White-winged Crossbill
Black Guillemot (lifer)
Animals seen:
Muskox (lifer)
Red Fox
Grizzly Bear (including a Blonde one)
Short-tailed Weasel
Arctic Ground-Squirrel
Spotted Seal (lifer)
Arctic Hare
All the best and thanks for reading.
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Arctic Warblers - Photo: Melisa Hafting |
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Male Bluethroat - Photos: Melissa Hafting |
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Muskoxen and Calves - Photos: Melissa Hafting |
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Long-tailed Ducks - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Common Eiders - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Hoary Redpoll - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Black-legged Kittiwake - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Red-necked Phalarope - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Tundra Swan - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Male Lapland Longspur - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Eastern Yellow Wagtail - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Female Golden Eagle and Eaglets - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Emperor Geese - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Common Eider pair - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Male Rock Ptarmigan - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Pacific Golden-Plover - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Male Semipalmated Plover - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Arctic Terns in Flight - Photos: Melissa Hafting |
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Arctic Tern on sign - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Long-tailed Jaeger in Nome - Photos: Melissa Hafting |
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Grey-cheeked Thrush - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Bristle-thighed Curlew -Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Western Sandpiper - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Male (above) and Female (below) Red-necked Phalaropes - Photos: Melissa Hafting |
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Muskox - Photo: Melissa Hafting![]() |
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Pacific Golden-Plover - Photos: Melissa Hafting |
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Northern Wheatear - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Black Guillemot - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Male Willow Ptarmigan - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Mew Gull - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Male Blackpoll Warbler - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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"White" Grizzly Bear - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Male Wilson's Warbler - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Red-necked Phalarope - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Black-legged Kittiwake - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Willow Ptarmigan in Nome - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Long-tailed Jaeger in Nome - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Muskox - Photos: Melissa Hafting |
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American Golden-Plover - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Thick-billed Murre - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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Arctic Tundra flowers and slopes - Photos: Melissa Hafting |
ReplyDeleteYour photographs are all amazing! So beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteGreat story and amazing pics! Makes me want to go there!
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone I'm touched! Glad I could share this amazing trip with you all. I kept a diary with me every day so I wouldn't forget anything. It was fun sitting in the tundra or by the beach with all these breeding birds recollecting memories on my down time.
ReplyDeleteAwesome trip report and stunning photos! Did you get to see the Muskoxen form a circle around their calves when threatened?
ReplyDeleteCaptivating and informative account of an awesome trip. Amazing number of bird species seen and photographed, and also the muskoxen and calves.
ReplyDeleteJust discovered this blog and your travec journal. It is like reading a good book and I can feel your excitement and challenges. Appreciate all your work! Well done!
ReplyDeleteThanks Mario! I appreciate your kind words, very much. I am glad you are enjoying it!
Deleteafter reading your incredible post on this i am now putting this place on my bucket list. the bluethroat is so intense in its coloured plumage the arctic warbler also beautiful. im so happy you got there mel