Check out my interview in The Vancouver Sun and Province Newspaper

I was featured in The Vancouver Sun and Province newspapers both in print tomorrow for the Vancouver Sun and in the Province on Sunday and the article is now up online. You can read the full interview which discusses my book and my love of birding at the link HERE


  1. Mel it was so nice to see you in the paper this morning. you are an inspiration and have been through a lot of wrong things but still standing tall. I was enraged to read some of what you endured and never should have. I thank you for all you have done for birds and the community is better because you are in it. - Michelle

  2. Mel while having my morning coffee today I saw your pretty face on the cover of the paper and inside an even prettier photo and the interview was enjoyable and interesting thanks for not shying away from the good and bad and being an inspiration. I have ordered your new book and really am excited for it!

  3. So wonderful to see you on the cover of the Sun this morning. Love that you are getting such great recognition and can’t wait for the book to come out.


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