A Black Woman covers the October issue of Birding Magazine

A beautiful Black woman birder has made the cover of The American Birding Association's  (ABA) "Birding" Magazine.

This was so incredible to see. I was truly moved to see this! I cant wait to get my October 2020 issue in the mail. I definitely will be saving this one!

Never thought I would see a female that looks like me on the cover. This beautiful painting was done by artist Alissa Lee Bocarsly.

Congrats to Corina Newsome for being featured and thank you to the ABA for finally featuring a Black woman birder on the cover and helping to improve the lack of diversity and representation in this field.

Times are changing!

Painting by Alissa Lee Bocarsly of Corina Newsome on the Oct issue of ABA's Birding Magazine


  1. great news that is one splendid and attractive cover too!


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