A Victory for Owls in North Vancouver !

You know I've made several posts about the dangers that rodenticides pose to a variety of animals, especially Owls.

Well today the District of North Vancouver's council voted to ban the use of rodenticides and it passed!. The poisons will no longer be used in any of the city's facilities. The motion also petitions the province to ban rodenticides outright and asks citizens to stop using them on their land as well.

You can read the full news story HERE

Hopefully this will spread to other cities in BC and across Canada!

Thank you councillor Megan Curren for bringing this motion forward!

Please let us continue to write our cities and the province to ask for the same thing and more -- a full ban!

Barred Owl - Photo: Melissa Hafting

Northern Pygmy-Owl - Photo: Melissa Hafting

Great Horned Owl - Photo: Melissa Hafting


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