Thousands of Tufted Puffins Die in Alaska

Tufted Puffins are dying off in alarming numbers in Alaska. Up to 8500 were found dead in the Bering Sea, partly because of starvation and stress brought on by changing climate conditions.

Read the full news story HERE

With a president like Donald Trump who denies climate change even exists... how will the US gov't fight the most important war yet?!

On Saturday the Washington Post reported that near the entrance to the arctic ocean in NW Russia the temperature soared to 29C. The concentration of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere went over 415 parts per million for the first time in human history. Carbon Dioxide levels have risen by 50% since the Industrial Revolution. Sea Ice is continuing to melt at record paces. This is all due to human induced climate change.

When will we all wake up? Hopefully Canada wakes up as well as we really are doing no better and similar events are happening right here in our own backyard. 


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