Meet Eowyn one of the VI Marmots I saw last month and donate to help this critically endangered species!

Last month I was blessed to see 2 Vancouver Island Marmots on Mount Washington. One of them was ear-tagged the other not. Meaning one was born in the wild and one in captivity and released. These animals are the most endangered animal in Canada and due to the Vancouver Island Marmot Recovery Foundation we have a chance not to lose them forever. This program helped bring the wild population from 23 to 200 in 14 years. The marmots are in such dire straits due to predation, habitat loss and climate change.

I decided to write the foundation with her ear-tag number and provided my photos. They replied that it was Eowyn a 1 year old female that they hope will breed soon. She's now in hibernation as are all the Marmots. They went to sleep the first week of October. There is snow already on Mt. Washington as well.

If you would like to read about Eowyn and see my photos of her, click HERE.

If you can adopt one or donate even 5$ to help save this mammal, please do so by clicking HERE.

With your help we can save this beautiful Canadian endemic and one of the rarest animals in the world from extinction.

Eowyn a Vancouver Island Marmot - Photo: Melissa Hafting

Also a reminder if you like Marmots, Canadian Wildlife and of course Birds. Tune in to The Wild Canadian Year. You will see stunning video footage, interesting info and a great documentary series on Sunday nights on CBC at 8pm. Trailer HERE.

If you missed the three previous episodes you can watch them online HERE or On Demand on Telus and Shaw. If you are a photographer you can enter their photo contest and if you are or aren't one, please vote for my two entries anyway in the contest. I've entered a Pygmy-Owl under the Winter Gallery and a VI Marmot in the Fall Gallery. Thanks!

Northern Pygmy-Owl in BC - Photo: Melissa Hafting


  1. Wow that's cool your photos were featured on that website!! I have voted!


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