Sign the new petition to help prevent the Deltaport expansion!

Hi everyone recently I discussed the impacts of a Deltaport expansion here on this blog. Environment Canada and Bird Studies Canada released what the potential impacts will be due to their scientific studies.  You can read about it soon HERE

Anyways today Bird Studies Canada, BC Nature and Nature Canada launched a petition calling for a Fraser Estuary Restoration and Management Plan prior to expansion approval. Please sign the petition HERE


  1. I believe an important part of any restoration and management plan is that it NOT treat each project in isolation - it is the cumulative effects of one thing after another that need assessment as well.

    1. Yes and that is what the petition highlights. it is asking the federal minister to not approve ANY new industrial projects until there is a viable restoration and management plan in place.

  2. Can I sign this if I live in the US? as someone who has a stake, which I do as someone living just south of you in Washington State. I would love to help.

    1. yes you can us citizens can sign and the shorebirds are global citizens so they need all the help worldwide they can get! thanks bryony!

    2. Signed it and shared the link and appeal on a couple of local Birder FB groups


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