More Owls are dying in North Vancouver due to rat poison

.....and this is not just occuring in North Van but everywhere! Read more about this problem HERE.

Things you can do to help is to please stop using Rat Poison and tell all you know to stop using it as well. Many bird and animal lives will be saved if only the gov't would deregulalte the use and people would stop using it.

Also this is not about birds directly but more salmon means more Eagles .... but great news about the closure of several (17!) salmon farms in Vancouver Island. I hope this leads to more closures of open net fish farms and a transition to land based farming. We need to do all we can including closing the commercial fishery to help save endangered Salmon which benefit so many birds, animals like Orcas and ourselves! A big thank you to the Namgis, Kwikwasut'inuxw Haxwa'mis and Mamalilikulla people for fighting for this change.

To read about the closures click HERE.

To see my friend John Reynolds speaking about the plight of Chinook Salmon click HERE

A poison Barred Owl in North Vancouver - Photo: Elyse Lynmour


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