My good friend George Clulow found a Siberian Accentor  (6th record for BC) while doing a Christmas Bird Count. Birders from all over the ABA came to see it including friends from WA and OR. I met people from Quebec there and NY. It was a cool phenomenon. The bird took many hours to see. I saw it a total of 3 times once with two young birders and another after seeing a Brown Thrasher (BC Rarity in Revelstoke) and once with Ilya when he got back from the field. Each time was a long painful wait in cold weather but worth it to finally see the bird. It would pop out for brief moments and I was only able to get a record shot.  This bird is an ABA Code 4 bird and a few weeks before this sighting I was in Victoria looking at another ABA Code 4 bird the Redwing. The Redwing found by Nathan Hentze was as painful a twitch as this one by standing for long hours but it involved the price of 3 expensive ferries! Thank goodness for carpooling.

Congrats to George on a great find.

You can read more about this on my other blog the BC RBA HERE

Siberian Accentor in Surrey - Photo: Melissa Hafting


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