California Dreamin' !
Ilya and I went birding in San Diego. We signed up for our first ever
Photo workshop. We didn't know what to expect but were pleasantly
surprised. We did it with Tim Boyer, more info HERE for those
We birded on our own the
other days and had a nice relaxing vacation. We ended up seeing 161
species in 9 days. Some of the highlights were: Reddish Egret, Painted
Redstart, Black-throated sparrow, California Towhee, Pomaerine Jaegers,
Black-throated Green warbler, Laughing Gull, Thick-billed Kingbird (ABA
Code 4), Cassin's Kingbird, Lesser Goldfinch, White-collared Seedeater
(non-countable), Red-Shouldered Hawk, Black Phoebe, Snowy
Plover,Yellow-crowned night heron, Rufous-crowned sparrow, Allen's
Hummingbird, Black-vented shearwater, Island Scrub-Jay, Brown Booby (Aba
Code 3), Black Skimmer, Little Blue Heron,Nuttal's Woodpecker, Hermit
Warbler, Green-tailed Towhee, Verdin, Wrentit, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher,
California Gnatcatcher, California Thrasher, Scaly-breasted Munia
(Nutmeg Mannikin), Common Gallinule, Red masked parakeets (non
countable), Ridgway's Rail, Nelson's Sparrow, Vermillion Flycatcher, 50+
Lawrence's Goldfinches and Hepatic Tanager.
We started off going to the Channel Islands in pursuit of the Island Scrub-Jay. This bird is only found on one island in all of the world and it is called Santa Cruz Island. We departed Ventura, California on the Island Packers catamaran and were hopeful for a great adventure. On the way out we saw Wandering Tattlers, Ruddy Turnstones, Clark's Grebes, Eared Grebes and Western Grebes. As we got further out we saw Black-vented shearwaters galore, some pink-footed shearwaters, Northern Fulmars, Pomaerine Jaegers, Gray Whales and a pod of adorable Bottlenose dolphins that played in the wake of our boat. When we got to the port and disembarked we went with our guide on Nature Conservancy Land (a guide is required here) on the Canyon Trail. We were told this was the best place to find the Scrub-Jays. In the end of that pleasant hike we found 15 Island Scrub-Jays. These Jays are much larger and darker than the Western-Scrub Jays around here. They are very vocal and were stealing from the many Acorn Woodpeckers we saw during the hike. We also were lucky enough to see the subspecies of Allen's Hummingbird which is endemic to the Channel Islands and we saw the Channel Islands subspecies of Rufous-crowned sparrow which was also a treat.
Here is my photo of the Island Scrub-Jay:
After we had done the hike we were a little disappointed because we had
also come to this Island for a major reason to the see the endangered
Channel Islands Fox. The subspecies on Santa Cruz Island is the smallest
of all the foxes on the Channel Islands. This fox is the smallest fox
in North America and since foxes are among my favourite animals I really
wanted to see it. After our guided hike we had time to hike around on
our own before the boat left at 3pm so we were searching around and then
this guy who was on our hike waved at me furiously and we quickly ran
over to him and right in front of him was this tiny fox. It was
seriously the size of a cat or small toy dog. They weigh 2.2-6lbs. Boy
was it cute and we were very lucky to see it! He was busy foraging for
insects. I thanked the guy profusely and we just sat down across from
the fox and watched him.
It was really a magical experience! This fox became endangered when feral pigs were brought to the island, in turn Golden Eagles came to the island to eat the piglets and began eating the foxes. The pigs have now been eradicated from the island and Golden Eagles are being trapped and relocated to Northern California. Bald Eagles are being brought in to take over the Golden Eagles territory and the fox population is slowly rebounding!
Here is my photo of this elusive and incredible animal:
The island fox eats fruits, insects, birds, eggs, crabs, lizards, and small mammals, including deer mice.
One day we went to La Jolla to go see the Three Brown Boobies that were reported there. We saw 2 female adults and one Juvie, they were sitting beneath the cliffs. The area was littered with Breeding plumaged Brown Pelicans, Brandt's Cormorants and Double-crested Cormorants.
Here is one photo of a Brandt's Cormorant in Breeding plumage who was posing nicely
It is not easy to get close to these birds in Vancouver! Their eyes and
feather detail are quite striking. This photo was taken right above
three sitting Brown Boobies above the La Jolla Caves and Cliffs in San
Diego, CA.
One of the great thrills was seeing Brown Pelicans in Breeding plumage.
It was funny how they did their neck rolls they really are a beautiful
and interesting bird to look at. I had to put my camera down and just
sit there and look at them.
At home I take these beautiful cormorants for granted too often. However, when you take the time to look at them you see their subtle beauty! Their interesting yellow faces and brilliant blue turquoise eyes and their beautiful feather detail!
The diversity of Shorebirds in San Diego is out of this world. One day
we went to look for Little Blue Herons near Ocean Park. We ended up
finding one Little Blue Heron and a gang of shorebirds, Long-billed
Curlews, Semipalmated Plovers, Dunlin, Whimbrel, Marbled Godwits,
Black-necked Stilts, Red Knots, Ruddy and Black Turnstones, Least
Sandpipers, Western Sandpipers, Long and Short-billed Dowitchers,
Greater Yellowlegs and Surfbirds. Not to mention Great Egrets, Snowy
Egrets and Great Blue Herons, Osprey and Black Skimmers.
Here are a few shots of the Shorebirds at Ocean Park:
We were walking around La Jolla one day and heard Sea Lions calling out.
We went down on the beach and were greated by a group of female Sea
Lions nursing and sleeping. It was amazing to lie down on the beach with
these beautiful creatures and to witness this special moment in nature.
It was a real priviledge to be a part of it.
The most common bird we saw down in San Diego was by far Black Phoebes
and boy do I miss them now. Their little calls are burned in my brain
and I miss watching them flycatch everywhere. I found them quite hard to
photograph though as they didn't sit still too long.
One of our main objectives of this trip was to photograph Snowy Plovers.
We worked hard to find them as we basically had to walk all the way to
Mexico to find these cute little ping pong balls with legs!
We found them on the Tijuana border and we found 50 of them and boy were
they cute. It was a moment where you just lay down on the beach and
they ran all around you as you stayed still. Definitely a moment I
won't ever forget. This one was foraging in the sand and seaweed when he
decided to look at me and ask me what the heck I was looking at. I can't get over how cute they are. The protection for them
down there is quite impressive, fish and wildlife drive around and
monitor the birds and areas are all roped off where they nest as they
are threatened birds. We had border control flying over us constantly
by helicopter and Fish and Wildlife on the ground, so those birds are in
good hands.
The day we went looking for Royal Terns and Black Skimmers it was foggy but we found them at Crown Point. We found 15 Royal Terns and 50 Black Skimmers.
The Black Skimmers could not care less about our presence however the Royal Terns were a little skittish but as we stayed quiet and lay down the Terns slowly relaxed and began to bathe right in front of us. There was so much beauty there at Crown Point dozens of Redheads and Willets, Pelicans and of course the Black Skimmers.
Here are a few shots of these birds:
Male Skimmers have a longer lower mandible.We watched a few of the Skimmers skim and hunt along the water it was a
treat to see as most of these birds do this at night. We watched some of
the skimmers sleep on the beach. What fun it is to see them lying
prostrate on the ground as if they are dead. Such strange and
interesting birds, tiny legs and big heads you can't help but love
them!.I really enjoyed listening to the Skimmers interact as well, their calls are quite cute.
We went to Santee Lakes to look for a reported White-winged Dove. We never did see the dove but we did find Ring-necked ducks, Ruddy Ducks, Coots, Osprey, Red-shouldered Hawks, Phainopeplas, Black-crowned Night Herons, Snowy and Great Egrets , 15 Nutmeg Mannikins (Scaly Breasted Munias), Nuttall's Woodpeckers, Western Bluebirds, Phoebes and White-throated Swifts! A very birdy park consisting of 7 different lakes.
Here is a photo of a Gadwall I got here, I do love their subtle beauty:
One of the most common gulls we saw during our trip were Heermann's Gulls next to Western and California Gulls.
Here is a photo of one adult in Breeding plumage posing for me at Vacation Island:
We were looking for Red-crowned Parrots at Lindo Lake, we never did see
them there but we did see 3 beautiful Common Gallinules. This species
was split from the Common Moorhen in 2011. A lady was feeding a Great Egret and this Gallinule later came out of the water and came to feed like a chicken.
They truly are gorgeous birds. At this lake we saw Eared Grebes,
American White Pelicans, Greater White-fronted Geese and more, a really
lovely spot indeed.
At Scripps Beach (Pier) in La Jolla there were many great shorebirds. Here we found Wandering Tattlers, Whimbrel, Willets, Spotted Sandpipers and more. Most people were here to photograph the famous pier so we had the birds all to ourselves.
Here is a photo of an accommodating Whimbrel I found:
This area above here is a lovely spot with rocks and tidal pools where the birds come in to feed.
In Coronado we learned a lot about flight photography (which is my weak point). Here we practiced on Heermann's, Ring-billed and Western Gulls. I found the Ring-billed Gulls, that I too often take for granted in Vancouver to have been the most beautiful. They looked like angels in the sky above me.
We went to the Tijuana River Estuary at High Tide to find Ridgway's
Rails. They are an endangered species and were split from the Clapper
Rail in the East. Here we found 2 Nelson's Sparrows, 1 Green-tailed
Towhee and a Little Blue Heron. Nearby we also saw 5 Yellow-crowned
Night Herons that were roosting. It was a great place to bird that I
highly recommend on any visit to San Diego!
We ended up seeing 4 of these birds and 2 of them even came out of the
water and walked up onto the shore in front of us! This was a lifer for
both of us. We were surprised how differently they acted compared to the
shy Virginia Rails and Soras we have at home. This was one of two
Ridgway's Rails who came out of the water and into the Lemonberry Shrub
which contained 2 Nelson's Sparrows! It was a really cool moment to
witness being so close to this large rail!
This little Say's Phoebe was posing so beautifully on the cactus that I just had to photograph him. It's amazing how birds can perch on such precarious perches.
It was a wonderful trip with so many great birds and memories. We went to a live taping of Jimmy Kimmel's show in Los Angeles and got to see Elton John and get free tickets to his concert which also was fun.This was the first trip Ilya and I ever did together outside of BC, which would be the start of several other great trips to come. It was also the first trip with my new camera the Canon 7D Mark II. I felt I really improved in my photography skills during this trip and looked forward to getting the new 100-400 lens in a few months. Thanks for looking and reading. You can find more photos from my trip at my Flickr HERE
We started off going to the Channel Islands in pursuit of the Island Scrub-Jay. This bird is only found on one island in all of the world and it is called Santa Cruz Island. We departed Ventura, California on the Island Packers catamaran and were hopeful for a great adventure. On the way out we saw Wandering Tattlers, Ruddy Turnstones, Clark's Grebes, Eared Grebes and Western Grebes. As we got further out we saw Black-vented shearwaters galore, some pink-footed shearwaters, Northern Fulmars, Pomaerine Jaegers, Gray Whales and a pod of adorable Bottlenose dolphins that played in the wake of our boat. When we got to the port and disembarked we went with our guide on Nature Conservancy Land (a guide is required here) on the Canyon Trail. We were told this was the best place to find the Scrub-Jays. In the end of that pleasant hike we found 15 Island Scrub-Jays. These Jays are much larger and darker than the Western-Scrub Jays around here. They are very vocal and were stealing from the many Acorn Woodpeckers we saw during the hike. We also were lucky enough to see the subspecies of Allen's Hummingbird which is endemic to the Channel Islands and we saw the Channel Islands subspecies of Rufous-crowned sparrow which was also a treat.
Here is my photo of the Island Scrub-Jay:
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Island Scrub-Jay on Santa Cruz Island - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
It was really a magical experience! This fox became endangered when feral pigs were brought to the island, in turn Golden Eagles came to the island to eat the piglets and began eating the foxes. The pigs have now been eradicated from the island and Golden Eagles are being trapped and relocated to Northern California. Bald Eagles are being brought in to take over the Golden Eagles territory and the fox population is slowly rebounding!
Here is my photo of this elusive and incredible animal:
Endemic and endangered Island Fox - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
One day we went to La Jolla to go see the Three Brown Boobies that were reported there. We saw 2 female adults and one Juvie, they were sitting beneath the cliffs. The area was littered with Breeding plumaged Brown Pelicans, Brandt's Cormorants and Double-crested Cormorants.
Juvenile Brown Booby in La Jolla - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
Brandt's Cormorant in Breeding in La Jolla - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
Brown Pelican at La Jolla in breeding plumage - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
At home I take these beautiful cormorants for granted too often. However, when you take the time to look at them you see their subtle beauty! Their interesting yellow faces and brilliant blue turquoise eyes and their beautiful feather detail!
Double-crested Cormorant at La Jolla - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
Here are a few shots of the Shorebirds at Ocean Park:
Long and Short-billed Dowitchers, Surfbirds, Marbled Godwits and Dunlin - Photo : Melissa Hafting |
Bathing Marbled Godwit at Ocean Park - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
California Sea Lion pup nursing at La Jolla - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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California Sea Lion Sleeping - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
Black Phoebe in San Diego - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
Snowy Plovers (puffballs) - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
The day we went looking for Royal Terns and Black Skimmers it was foggy but we found them at Crown Point. We found 15 Royal Terns and 50 Black Skimmers.
The Black Skimmers could not care less about our presence however the Royal Terns were a little skittish but as we stayed quiet and lay down the Terns slowly relaxed and began to bathe right in front of us. There was so much beauty there at Crown Point dozens of Redheads and Willets, Pelicans and of course the Black Skimmers.
Here are a few shots of these birds:
Black Skimmer at Crown Point - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
Royal Tern at Crown Point - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
We went to Santee Lakes to look for a reported White-winged Dove. We never did see the dove but we did find Ring-necked ducks, Ruddy Ducks, Coots, Osprey, Red-shouldered Hawks, Phainopeplas, Black-crowned Night Herons, Snowy and Great Egrets , 15 Nutmeg Mannikins (Scaly Breasted Munias), Nuttall's Woodpeckers, Western Bluebirds, Phoebes and White-throated Swifts! A very birdy park consisting of 7 different lakes.
Black-crowned Night-Heron in San Diego - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
Male Gadwell in San Diego - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
Here is a photo of one adult in Breeding plumage posing for me at Vacation Island:
Handsome Heermann's Gull in breeding - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
Common Gallinule at Lindo Lake in San Diego - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
At Scripps Beach (Pier) in La Jolla there were many great shorebirds. Here we found Wandering Tattlers, Whimbrel, Willets, Spotted Sandpipers and more. Most people were here to photograph the famous pier so we had the birds all to ourselves.
Willet near Scripps Pier - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
Whimbrel at Scripps Beach - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
Scripps' Beach - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
In Coronado we learned a lot about flight photography (which is my weak point). Here we practiced on Heermann's, Ring-billed and Western Gulls. I found the Ring-billed Gulls, that I too often take for granted in Vancouver to have been the most beautiful. They looked like angels in the sky above me.
Ring-billed Gull looking heavenly in Coronado - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
Coronado Beach one of the prettiest beaches in San Diego - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
Lifer Ridgway's Rail in San Diego - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
This little Say's Phoebe was posing so beautifully on the cactus that I just had to photograph him. It's amazing how birds can perch on such precarious perches.
Say's Phoebe in San Diego - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
Elton John performing in LA at a Jimmy Kimmel concert after we went to the live TV show taping - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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