My Cover Feature and Interview for ABA's Birding Magazine is out!

I am honoured to have my photo of a Rock Sandpiper on the cover of the March issue of American Birding Association's (ABA) Birding magazine. I am also interviewed by Noah Strycker (who set the ABA world big year record in 2015). In addition I wrote a four page article about Rock Sandpipers, for the online version of the magazine, as well. I tried to add some fun and interesting facts about Rock Sandpipers. So there are 3 features but getting the cover and the main interview feature in the print issue, which is six pages long and features several of my photos, is so moving to me. I really wish my father lived to see this. He would have been really excited and proud to read it and see my photo of the Rock Sandpiper on the cover. This is the first time a photo of mine has ever covered a magazine, so it really means a lot! 

The editor Ted Floyd sent me photos of a high school in Boulder, Colorado using the magazine with my photo on the cover for their field class which is super cool!

Bird class in Boulder, CO - Photo by Ted Floyd

At the end of February it was two years since my dad left this world and left me, on his wife’s and my mother’s birthday, and I can still picture him in his big armchair reading this magazine. I like to think that he’s reading this one wherever he is now.  I still miss them both, every moment of every day, and forever will be heartbroken, but thinking about them being able to see it, somehow, is a small comfort.

You can read the March issue in full online when it goes up mid-month, if you are a member by logging in HERE and if you are a member who subscribes to the print issue, a print issue will also be mailed. I have extracted the relevant pages below. Thank you to Ted Floyd for selecting my image for the cover and asking me to do the Rock Sandpiper article with Peter Pyle and thanks to Peter Pyle for his help with the aging of the birds. Thanks to Noah Strycker for interviewing me and being lovely to work with.


  1. Congratulations, Mel! And so many of your beautiful photographs, too.

  2. I am so proud to see you on the cover of ABA Magazine. It was a fantastic article about you! I also loved reading about the sandpiper and seeing your beautiful photo on the cover! I learnt a lot! Great photo of all the youth with your photo on the cover!


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