I was awarded the King Charles III Coronation Medal today from the Government of Canada

I was awarded The King Charles III Coronation Medal earlier than expected today from the Government of Canada. I am truly honoured by this and a huge thanks to Cos van Wermeskerken and Yousif Attia for writing their MPs about me and for MP Tako van Popta for nominating me to the Governor General and to the Governor General, Mary Simon, for approving me as a recipient. The medal is administered by the Chancellery of Honours at Rideau Hall in Ottawa. It was a true honour to be awarded the medal today in the company of other amazing and worthy recipients. I was the youngest recipient present. I wish my parents had lived to see the day and I sure missed seeing them smiling back at me in the audience. 

I will say again how truly honoured I am to have received this medal. It is the highest award I have ever received and it touched me to hear my work and accomplishments read aloud in front of the audience. Here is the bio the MP read in part:

 Melissa Hafting makes exceptional and significant sustained contributions to bird conservation, mentoring youth, and promoting mental health in British Columbia and beyond. In 2014, Melissa founded the BC Young Birders Program, which aims to bring together diverse youth aged 12-18 in an inclusive welcoming environment teaching youth about science, biology and the importance of bird conservation, while encouraging healthy outdoor living. Further public engagement includes directorship in the youth-oriented Frontiers in Ornithology Association and the Wild Bird Trust of BC and her ongoing efforts to promote ethical birding. Melissa has maintained the BC Rare Bird Alert website since 2015, was a lead in the 2020 CBC Documentary “Rare Bird Alert” and judged the 2022 and 2023 Audubon Photography Awards. Since 2019, she has volunteered countless hours every week as an eBird data quality reviewer for BC. eBird Canada is a global citizen-science program of Birds Canada and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Her dedication to scientific accuracy and selfless mentoring to birders is outstanding. Her initiatives include successful petitions in several municipalities, which led to a province-wide ban of SGAR rodenticides because of their toxic effects to birds of prey, and the construction and maintenance of Purple Martin and Tree Swallow nesting boxes in the Fraser River Estuary Key Biodiversity Area.  Melissa is dedicated to advocating the mental health benefits of birding and published the 2024 book “Dare to Bird: Exploring the Joy and Healing Power of Birds”, connecting the resiliency of birds with human struggles and fostering inclusivity in birding and nature photography.

Melissa is recipient of the Greater Vancouver 2024 Alan Duncan Bird Conservation Award and the BC Nature’s 2021 Daphne Solecki Award for contributing to nature education for children in British Columbia, and was a finalist for the 2021 Nature Inspiration Awards (Canadian Museum of Nature).”

I had some tears, as it was so overwhelming and moving to me to win this medal. I won't ever forget this day. Hope my mother and father were watching from above.


  1. Congratulations on such an amazing achievement!! Truly deserved for all your work!

  2. Congratulations!! This is a very deserved award and I’m so glad that you were chosen for all your hard work!

  3. You deserve all the acclaim, Mel. Great work that you put your soul into. Look forward to new goals that you can put your amazing energy into in the future.

    1. thank you Barry for your kindness it means a lot

  4. Keith & Margaret RidingFebruary 28, 2025 at 5:18 PM

    Hearty congratulations, Mel. You deserve all the credits.

    1. Thank you very much Keith and Margaret very kind

  5. Success is delivered to the deserving. Congratulations Mel.

  6. Amazing! So well deserved for all of your hard work. =)


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