Hopefully we see some owls like this Barred Owl on the land portion of the CBC! - Photo: Melissa Hafting

**Update the boat trip and land portion are now FULL ** 

If you are a young birder between the ages of 12-18 and want to join me on the annual Christmas Bird Count for Youth please send me an email at BCBIRDERGIRL@GMAIL.COM 

This year we are doing a boat tour in Delta sponsored by Birds Canada which will be exciting for the youth! We will also be doing a land birding portion at Reifel Bird Sanctuary. You can sign up for that HERE

Email me and I will provide all the details about where to meet and when! It will be so cool to do the count from the water and we will hope to get winter alcids like Ancient Murrelets! We are boarding the boat run by White Rock Sea Tours at 8:15 am in Surrey for a 4 hour boat tour count and then going to Reifel Bird Sanctuary after lunch for 3.5 hours.  

Note the event begins at 8:15 am and finishes at 4pm on Dec 17th-2023 and is free for all youth attending 

This event is BIPOC & LGBTQ+ inclusive

Looking forward to seeing you all soon and seeing some great winter birds together like Owls, winter finches like Common Redpolls, Pine Grosbeaks and hopefully some Bohemian Waxwings just to name a few! 

You can read our trip report and see photos from our 2022/23 counHERE

See you soon! Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all that celebrate!

Rather than Red-breasteds we hope to find some Pygmy Nuthatches!
We hope to see Winter finches like these on our CBC 4 Youth!


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