Congratulations to BC Young Birders Evan and Cam!

I told Young Birder Evan Larson and Cameron Montgomery that they should apply to the Beaverhill Bird Observatory’s Geoff Holroyd Young Ornithologists’s Workshop in Alberta. This year it was even more competitive than usual because Long Point’s Young Birder Workshop is closed due to covid. Evan and Cam applied, I wrote the recommendation letter for them cause they are amazing and they got in!. The passion and enthusiasm and skill these youth have is something else!. There were only 10 spots available across Canada. Congrats Evan and Cam!! I can’t wait to hear about your upcoming workshop week in August and all the lifers you get!. 

Other young birders from BC (Cole, Sasha and Kalin) who got in during previous years went and loved it!. To read more about this program and how to apply for next year (if you are between the ages of 15-18 yrs old), please click HERE

Cole Gaerber (2nd from left) at a previous Beaverhill young birder workshop in Alberta 


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