I lost the little dog who stole my heart

Everyone may remember that I lost my dog Sammy unexpectedly almost to the date a year ago in October. Well last night I lost my other dog Pancakes. It was also very sudden. I've had her since 2008. I adopted her when she was 3 years old from the SPCA. She was 14 years old when she died in my arms tonight.

After Sammy's passing I never thought I'd feel this grief all over again so quickly. I never thought I would lose Pancakes this quickly.

Life can really feel unfair and throw you curve balls.

I miss Pancakes so much already; even though she's only been gone a few hours. I am just heartbroken. She went into respiratory distress and they discovered her trachea was completely collapsed. She was literally suffocating, unable to breathe adequately and in great discomfort. They gave me no choice but to put her down. I was with her when she passed holding her. I hope she knew just how much I loved her.

She liked to go walking with me while I birded. She never found birds for me like Sammy did but she had no interest in chasing them either, despite being a terrier.

She was only 8 lbs but my little love that was braver than most dogs 3 times her size. Sammy was 65 pounds and these two together really were Mutt and Jeff. Sammy was the "Mutt" and Pancakes was "Jeff." Now I've lost them both.

I will miss taking her to bird with me in Point Roberts where she could run free and sit with me on the beach for hours. She was such good company and gave me so much love. Whenever I was sad I could pet and hug her and things just seemed better.

I hope she's with Sammy now playing fetch with God.

I have to thank her for all the joy she's brought to my life and all the unconditional love she always gave me. I will truly miss her forever.

Goodbye little one. I will never forget you.


  1. Sincerely sorry for your loss mel. My family and I are thinking of you, Take care.

    1. thank you so much my friend that means a lot to me.


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