Young Birder Trip to Kamloops

Great Gray Owlet aka Puffball - Photo: Melissa Hafting We had a great trip to Kamloops this past weekend. Kalin joined us from Kelowna, newbie Nick from Pender Island and the rest Bridget and Ian from Metro Vancouver. Sadly, Isaac from Kamloops was away from the city this weekend and couldn't join us. He was having a great time in Wells Gray Park though!. The main reason we had initially booked this trip was to be a photography trip at Lac Le Jeune. We had planned to go by boat and photograph Common Loons and their chicks riding on the backs of their parents but sadly River Otters had predated all nests and chicks at the lake. So I arranged to do a Kamloops birding day instead. It turned out to be a fantastic alternative. We started off in the boreal forest where I hoped to find an American Three-toed Woodpecker nest I knew about but sadly (for us) they had fledged. We then went to Goose Lake where we found a Horned Grebe in breeding plumage and many other good birds...