Ilya and I drove up to Summerland to twitch BC's first Wood thrush and boy were we lucky to get him because the next day he was never seen again. This is a Eastern Bird that normally doesn't travel west of Ontario. When we made it up there we were met by Dick Cannings, Chris Siddle, Chris Charlesworth and many others.
While we were waiting fot the bird to show up at the front yard of a private home a few Snow Buntings flew over (uncommon for the Okanagan). When it finally showed up it gave great but brief views and sang its beautiful sweet song. I was able to obtain a record shot.
You can read more about this sighting at my other blog the BC RBA
After we saw the bird we birded White Lake where we saw a Short-eared Owl and Rock Wren which was rare for the time of year there, which was cool. As we drove along the road we came across many Mountain Bluebirds and later in the day I spotted this cute Western Screech Owl as it roosted in the day. They truly blemd into their surroundings!!
BC's 1st Wood Thrush in Summerland, BC - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
Female Mountain Bluebird at White Lake near OK Falls - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
Male Western Screech-Owl - Photo: Melissa Hafting |
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