All 3 Jaegers on a Young Birder Pelagic to Race Rocks!

15 kids and 5 parents went on a pelagic on "The Fantasea" vessel to Race Rocks Marine reserve near Victoria. We had a fantastic trip! We couldn't have asked for a better bunch of kids or better weather or a nicer boat or frankly a better guide! Thanks to Guy Monty for all his hard work spotting birds for us and for bringing the chum that brought in the gull and jaegers. Your help was invaluable to us and the kids and I appreciate it so much!!!!

Thank you to all the parent volunteers for helping me out Rob Lyske, Daniel Donnecke, Cathy Reader-Lee and Warren Lee, it really meant a lot to me and I am truly grateful!

Our  highlights were getting all 3 Jaegers species (Long-tailed, Parasitic and Pomarine) and  Red-Phalaropes  which is a bit unexpected so near to mainland Victoria.Some mammals we saw were: Humpback Whales, Stellar's and California Sea Lions.

Other great birds we saw were: Pacific and Common Loons, Red-necked Phalarope, Western Gulls, Rhino Auklets, Common Murres,  Pigeon Guillemots, Marbled Murrelets, Brandt's, Pelagic and  Double-crested Cormorants, Surfbirds, Black Oystercatchers, Belted Kingfisher, Mew, Ring-billed and California Gulls, Peregrine Falcon, Baird's Sandpipers and Black Turnstones.  

The kids agreed that the bird of the day was the  Long-tailed Jaeger!
We had a great time birding and laughing and having fun. 15 kids just having the time of their life sharing great fun and birding excitement.  I was totally just blown away by their sheer appreciation for nature and birds and their vast knowledge!

Thanks guys for all the joy you brought to me today and for memories I won't ever forget.

Common Murre at Race Rocks - Photo: Virgnia Spencer
Parasitic Jaeger near Race Rocks - Photo: Bridget Spencer
Feeding Frenzy that brought in the 3 species of Jaegers! - Photo: Bridget Spencer
Heermann's Gull at Race Rocks - Photo: Bridget Spencer
Western Gull (R) at Race Rocks - Photo: Bridget Spencer
California Sea Lion - Photo: Virginia Spencer

If you would like to join the Young Birder Program see contact info and list of events HERE


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