Young Birder's Trip to Manning Park

The Manning Park Youth Birding Trip with ten kids went off without a hitch today ! We had gorgeous weather. We dipped on seeing any grouse but that was probably because I was driving a military tank transporting the kids ;) which scared any possible bird away!

All in all we did pretty well and even saw a bear and missed a cow moose and two calves by ten mins! The Colombian ground squirrels and 11 Barrow's Goldeneye ducklings seem to made up for it though.

Our "highlights" from today were:

Nashville warbler (Rare for the park!)
American Three-toed woodpeckers (male in close range!) (3)
Pacific wren
Sooty grouse (heard only)
Gray Jays
Clark's Nutcrackers
Townsend's warblers
Rufous Hummers
Swainson's thrushes
Evening Grosbeaks
Eastern Kingbird
Mtn chickadees
Hermit thrushes
Red-naped sapsuckers(4)
Red-breasted sapsucker
Black swift (2)
Dark eyed junco
Barn swallows
Spotted Sandpipers
Belted Kingfisher
Pileated woodpecker
Common Yellowthroat
Yellow-rumpled warbler
Yellow bellied marmots
Mountain bluebird (1)
Townsend's Solitaire
Chipping sparrows
Barrow's goldeneye with 11 ducklings!
Common merganser(1 male)
Olive-sided flycatcher (1)
Turkey Vultures
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Yellow Warbler
Black-headed Grosbeak
Gray Catbird (Popkum)
Two Western Kingbirds nesting (Popkum)



Young Birders at Manning Park - Photo: Melissa Hafting
Male American Three-toed Woodpecker - Photo: Virginia Spencer
Nashville Warbler (rare in the park) - Photo: Virginia Spencer
Clark's Nutcracker - Photo: Virginia Spencer
Black Bear with scar on snout - Photo: Virginia Spencer
Female Common Goldeneye with 11 ducklings - Photo: Melissa Hafting

If you would like to join the Young Birder Program see contact info and list of events HERE


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