A Day with a Loon and Rusty Blackbird

On Saturday after looking at two Say's Phoebes at the same time in Vancouver (which we have never seen before as they usually come through solitary) we decided to head down to Washington to photograph Long-tailed Ducks and Eared Grebes which had been hanging around Blaine Harbor for months. As we were crossing the border and told the Border Guard where we were going and what we were doing. He asked me what my favourite bird was and I proceeded to tell him it was a Rough-Legged Hawk. He then asked for the Latin name of the bird and I had no idea. I told him I honestly don't know and he remarked it probably wasn't your favorite bird and laughed and said have a good trip. After we were on the highway I asked Ilya if he knew the latin name of the bird and he said. I said what why didn't you tell me/him?!!. He said I didn't want to look like a geek... Guess Ilya liked seeing me squirm. Honestly it's my favorite bird I tell you!! - Photo: Melissa Hafting ...